Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel'
Magnolia 'Leonard Messel'
Early Spring 2017
- 27
Early Spring 2016
- 9

Magnolia x loebneri 'Leonard Messel'
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2016

Another newbie. I'm renovating an old border and this should look perfect. But I think the database has it spelt wrong - should be 'Messel' rather than 'Messed' @ukgardentags

Liking it Richard 👍👍

Is that the pink one Rich ?🤔

Indeed Julie 😀 - I want a nice white Stellata too at some point but probably will be next year now before I can clear the space needed. @juliesgarden

Thanks Pearl 😊 @fuschia

I'll have to get the pink one I think, my white one has been amazing 😊 @richard.spicer.7906

Rather like the new spelling. 😂

@stephaniewatkins 😂😂

@ukgardentags this one is also spelt wrong - any chance it could be updated to show as "Messel" rather than "Messed"
This has to be one of my favourite spring flowering shrubs, Magnolia 'Leonard Messel' - it's only just a young plant right now so not too many flowers yet, but in a couple of years I think it will be full of blooms 😀 - embarrassed to say it's still in the pot I bought it in last summer, but gonna get cracking with clearing and planting up some the woodland part of the garden this wkd 🌱🌲
Very pretty 😍
And nice to see you back.
#magnolia #magnolialeonardmessel
It's beautiful Richard..I just love Magnolia's 💗👌
It's really lovely, Magnolia on my 2017 wish list 🤞🏻
Great name 😏 whatever messel means
Gorgeous 💕
I love this too Richard. Might be able to incorporate one in my new borders once the landscaping is done.
Lovely @richard.spicer.7906 - no need to be embarrassed - I managed to kill mine last year by over watering it 🙄
This is a fabulous Magnolia first time I met it kept mistakenly calling it Lionel messi 😂❤️ it stuck 👍 went well with Gary linekar the Garrya elliptica 😳
Verrry pretty Rich👌🏼💕 - worst things have happened! It doesn't seem to have suffered for it! 👍🏼 and lol Sam 😂 @icedance do you want to join Claudia, suzy's and my club..? (I'll tag you!) @clipperty @suzyw