Miscanthus sinensis 'Flamingo'
Early Summer 2016
Mid Autumn 2015

Last plant diary for the day - I'm trying grasses for the first time in the border. Miscanthus - not much at the moment as just a baby. But it will hopefully fill the back of the bed and cover the fence. Planted 25th October.

Grasses look good and add movement to a garden 😍👍

Looks like a nice colour look forward to seeing it grow 👍🏻

Grasses make you want to run your hands through them hope it does well @richard.spicer.7906

I have a rogue grass appear. Don't think it's a named one as such but it looks so good and is so big not sure whether to keep it. Should I give it a haircut or leave it ❓❓

I've had plenty of couch grass before in the beds but I don't count that as I have to weed it out. This is my first 'proper' one. Hoping the crickets will like it as I was worried me clearing the beds would make them move elsewhere. I've got a couple more so hopefully that will make up for it 👍🏼

I would perhaps leave it till spring @fuschia and then chop it back to a few inches above the soil surface in spring 😁

Thanks Richard. That gives me more time to decide if it stays or goes 😜😜

This Miscanthus has taken ages to wake up from winter 😳 - is that normal? Maybe it forgot to set its alarm ⏰
Ooh looks like grass to me 🤓🤓
Maybe summer forgot to set its alarm too!!!
Yes I have put these in a couple of my clients gardens over the last two years and they are both slow. I think I'll try calamagrostis instead as that wakes up a lot earlier and is fuller sooner in the border.
A lot of things are behind
Yes I've had this for a few years and Calamagrostis and other Miscanthus varieties always perform far better. Shame cause it's got a lovely habit & flower.... eventually. Have you tried Molinia 'Skyracer'. Another great grass.