Narcissus 'Ice Follies'
Daffodil 'Ice Follies' (Large-cupped)
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 2
Early Spring 2016
- 28
Early Spring 2016
- 12

Narcissus 'Ice Follies'
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

22/05/19 - few updates on some of my propagation experiments 🧪 🧫 - bulb chipping is where you can take a single bulb and cut it into equal segments, such as quarters or eighths (depending on bulb size), ensuring each piece is attached to a bitnof the basal plate, and then throw the pieces into a bag of moist peat and perlite. The bag can then be placed into a dark cool place such as a cupboard, and wait a few weeks #bulb-propagation #bulb-chipping

The damage caused each piece to regenerate a new bulblet from the basal plate, and as you can see here I’ve got now about eight new bulblets from one original daffodil bulb. These are about 25 weeks old now - originally carried out in October 2018. It’s possible to do Bulb Chipping on a number of bulbs, and I’m hoping to do this again in the dormant season for a few of my rarer narcissus, alliums and snowdrops 😁

You can also do this on Amaryllis/Hippeastrum, so I might buy a new bulb in the autumn and experiment with that too 👍🏼 - these bulblets have this week now been potted up into a mix of compost and gravel and will let them slowly grow and get bigger over the next couple of years #narcissus #daffodil #narcissusicefollies

I do admire your patience and dedication! 😀 👍👏

Cheers James 😄🙏🏼, certainly requires some patience 😆😆 some might say easier to just buy more bulbs, but I wanted to try it as I have a few special ones I want to propagate which are a bit expensive to buy @bandicoot
Early Autumn 2018

Another attempt of induced bulb propagation. Experimenting on daffodils. The bag on the left is bulb chipping (where you take a daff bulb and cut it up into 8 sections, first in half then quarters and so on) and the bag on left goes one step further and is bulb twin scaling (where you split the scales on each cut segment, and separate off two scales at a time) - both methods rely on the scales still being attached to a small segment of the base plate which is where new bulblets will form.

These will also go in the utility cupboard. Kept at around 20-21 degrees celsius. #bulb #bulb-propagation #bulb-chipping #bulb-twinscaling #daffodil #narcissus #narcissusicefollies
Early Spring 2016

#bees #daffodil 🐝 #narcissus #narcissusicefollies


Super shot Rich 🙌

Cheers @justin 😀🙌🏼

Gorgeous 😍

Thanks @crestiesneuk 😁

👍🏼 @latebloomer

Beautiful 😊

Beautiful photo 😊

Why thank you @sybil and @Missybamboo 😊

Beautiful flowers 😍😍😍😍

😁👍🏼 @shamimrashid
Early Spring 2016

Mystery variety, but I love how the yellow colouring from the cup slightly flushes into the petals.

#daffodil #spring #white #yellow #narcissus #narcissusicefollies

I love daffodils. My favourite of any flowers

Gorgeous Richard 👍

They've decided to return then 👍👏🏼

Lovin the daffs @richard.spicer.7906

@frankie I always forget how beautiful they are, and then spring arrives and it's just 😍....

@lamaisonbleueoleron - I had a word with them and said they need to come home, otherwise the Alliums will take top spot this month 😂

Thanks @janie 😊

They are soooo pretty 😊 @fuschia

Lovely 😍

Beautiful 😀
22/05/19 - same plant, different propagation experiment 🧫🧪 - Bulb Twin Scaling is like bulb chipping, except you can get even more bulblets as each piece is smaller. If you slice a bulb into chips, then each chip can be separated via the scales so that you cut off two scales at a time. Again, each piece must have a small bit of basal plate attached to it.
Like with bulb chipping, these twin scales can be kept in a moist mix of peat and perlite and left in a dark warm place for a few weeks until new bulblets form at the base of each twin scale. This technique is more productive when you limited propagation material (eg just one bulb) as you can maximise the number you get - I think I was able to get about 24 twin scale segments from one bulb!
They take a little longer to develop, and are a bit smaller than those produced from bulb chipping, but I have more of them 👍🏼 - will also try this technique on some other bulbs again in the autumn, although might be a bit fiddly on a small Snowdrop bulb but it can be done #bulb-propagation #bulb-twinscaling #daffodil #narcissus #narcissusicefollies
You’re so clever. A real fountain of knowledge. Thanks for sharing x
Aw, fanks lovely! 😘 @lexijane getting my sandals and socks ready as I get older 🤓👴🏼😉
Defo hun. You’ll really rock that look 😉🧦👡😁