Plectranthus zuluensis
Zulu Spurflower
Late Autumn 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2019
- 19
Late Summer 2018
- 4

Plectranthus zuluensis
Late Autumn 2020
Early Summer 2019

17/07/19 - so here’s a much nicer picture, not riddled with virus! bought this at my local garden club Plant sale last year as a salvia, described as having pale blue flowers... but it didn’t quite look like a salvia, then for a while I thought it was a coleus as the foliage was lime green and reminded me of one of the rodeo drive varieties, but then it flowered this week and it’s neither of those and is actually a Plectranthus! And a very pretty one at that, the stems and leaf veins have gone a

lovely purple colour, the leaves have stayed lime green and it has these gorgeous purple lavender flower spikes now 💜😍😍 #plectranthus #plectranthus-zuluensis

I love this Richard. I love blues in a garden! You're in a gardening club? Gosh I wish we had one here I'd definitely go. You can always learn something from others and swap or buy plants? Is that what happens @richard.spicer.7906 😊😊💙💙

It’s great Christine, I love it. quite lucky i have a local garden club. I belong to @mhsstalbans . My friend @gerryparsnips is also a member and we’ve been trying to convince some of our other colleagues to join in on the GT fun too. We have plant sales, talks, coach trips throughout the year. And in August Gerry and I will be competing in our new annual plant growing competition 😄 - all members were given a free pelargonium to grow and it will be judged at our summer party @midnightgardener

That's beautiful, I really like it. Is it hardy Rich? 💙💙

Oh that's so pretty and a nice surprise too 💙💙💙

Love that 💚💙

@richard.spicer.7906 It sounds very good. You're very lucky to have it 😊😊

Oh ma Geee I need this in my life! I’ll do cuttings of Nico and Mona, if you do Zulu x x x

Already sorted @clipperty - I kinda knew it would be your sort of plant. I’d took a few cuttings last year worried I’d lose it over winter, but it survived (in the polytunnel though) and all the cuttings took 😂

Thanks Rach! Beautiful isn’t it? 💙💚 I’ve got one ready for you too 😊👍🏼 @rachelbrooks

It is Keely, and actually looks quite nice with a few of them together. Prefers the more partially shaded spot 👍🏼 @Keely
Late Summer 2018

Mystery Salvia that I bought at garden club, just described as having pale blue flowers. However it hasn’t flowered yet, and the foliage has gone an amazing lime green colour and stems/veins have gone purple. I’m secretly hoping it might be ‘Black and Blue’ (which is far from pale blue) but anyone any thoughts what Salvias might have these dark stems/light foliage?

The leaves look like my black and blue

Could it be Argentine Skies, it has pale blue flowers? 🤔🤔

Lol! Turns out it is not a Salvia at all, it’s Plectranthus zuluensis! Been baffling me for months 🤭🙈
The Zulu Spurflower is looking a bit yellow, but it’s put out some flowers. Easy to see how it’s related to Coleus
I like! #plectranthus-zuluensis
Did you say coleus! I love it then!💘😍
Beautiful isn’t it Susan? 😄 little bit worried how yellow it has gone, not sure if it’s just the effect of the recent cold weather or if it has run out of nutrients. I won’t feed it now as it will go dormant soon so will repot in fresh soil next spring @novicegardenlover
I did indeed 😄🤗 it has a very striking resemblance. the flowers are much more significant too @ShelleySnyder
I agree, that's why I usually pick off the flowers on my coleus! It's one of a few flowers I don't care for!🤷♀️💘😍