Polypodium vulgare
Mid Winter 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Got this fern from a garden club friend last summer, but she didn’t know what it was and the fronds were quite small. It’s a bit bigger now and I think I’ve ID’d this as Polypodium vulgare. Although welcome any other suggestions #fern #fernid #polypodium

I've just put a fern on Richard @richard.spicer.7906 which is just like yours and I've always assumed is Polypodium vulgare but on looking into it a bit more there are apparently 3 types, according to the spores on the reverse. Mine doesn't seem to ever have many spores but am going to investigate it a bit more when I go outside again tomorrow. Have plenty of clumps to look at so will let you know!

Have had a closer look at my ferns Richard @richard.spicer.7906 and they all have the lines of spores like the photo in the GT encyclopedia of the reverse. Confident its Polypodium vulgare and yours looks just the same 🌿

Oh that’s interesting Sue, I’m not at all good with ferns so wasn’t exactly sure if I ID’d mine correctly. Sounds encouraging if yours is the same - one day I’ll have to buy a book solely on ferns to get familiar with them. A friend has given me another plant which had a fern in the same pot so I’ve separated it and not at all sure what it is. Although it seems to be dying back so maybe I shouldn’t have separated it ☹️ @churchfarmgarden

I love ferns Richard and some of them are deciduous so I wouldn't worry if your new one doesn't look brilliant right now, they're pretty tough @richard.spicer.7906
Reverse side of the fronds, showing the sori, with each sorus being a cluster of sporangia which contain spores #fern #sori #sporangia #polypodium
Theses are like the foliage you get in bouquets...Fascinating 👍🏼
That's a mouthful 😂 I read a bit about propogating from these a while ago, it's interesting. I haven't got any ferns though 🙄😂
The zoom feature really came good on this post 😛 there has to be thousands of spores on that one leaf 😧
😄 I imagine they look quite nice as foliage in a bouquet, lovely contrast @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Lol! Yeah, I don’t know anyone who has successfully propagated these manually. Most people usually end up with a pot of liverworts 😂 @pelly
Zoom is great on this pic! Hopefully it will spread around about naturally. I’m gonna plant it down the shadier part of the garden @kez001uk
I can see why as they do look like tiny little eggs of some kind 😄
😊🙏🏼 @Scratchycat13
I’ve never noticed there’s clusters! Just thought each one was one seed!! How clever!
Tiny ain’t they! 🧐🕵🏼♂️ @rachelbrooks