04/08/19 - another from Propagation course. This Poplar has a reputation for producing suckers, quite some distance away from the main trunk. At college, there is a 30metre plus tree, and I bagged this sucker over last winter to grow on. I’m not going to grow it on as a full size tree, but I’m going to try growing it in a large pot and coppice it each year, it has lovely white-ish new foliage and thought it might make a nice pot plant. Will also stop it suckering 😂 #poplar #populusalba #populus
04/08/19 - another from Propagation course. This Poplar has a reputation for producing suckers, quite some distance away from the main trunk. At college, there is a 30metre plus tree, and I bagged this sucker over last winter to grow on. I’m not going to grow it on as a full size tree, but I’m going to try growing it in a large pot and coppice it each year, it has lovely white-ish new foliage and thought it might make a nice pot plant. Will also stop it suckering 😂 #poplar #populusalba #populus
#populus-alba #whitepoplar
May be the cultivar ‘Pyramidalis'