Cherry Tree
Mid Spring 2021
- 45
Early Spring 2020
- 25
Mid Spring 2018
- 10
Mid Spring 2018
- 8
Mid Winter 2018
- 4
Mid Winter 2018
- 8
Mid Winter 2018
- 14
Early Spring 2017
- 21
Mid Autumn 2016
- 14
Mid Autumn 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 7
Mid Winter 2016
- 3
Mid Autumn 2015
- 13
Early Autumn 2015
- 2
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Late Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Spring 2015
- 0
Early Summer 2014
- 0
Mid Spring 2014
- 5

Mid Spring 2021
Early Spring 2020

Morning cuppa, sitting on the bench and waiting for some rain later today 🤞🏼 the ground is so dry already. My cherry tree is looking a picture at the moment #prunus #prunusavium #cherry #cherryblossom #tree

We got the rain at the moment it is needed badly here, I'll send it to you later 😘

Morning Rich, a lovely view from your bench ☕☕☕ there's no rain forecast for here and my soil is cracking already so if you have some to spare can I have some please ☔☔☔

Hopefully, we get some rain as well. We haven't had any rain for weeks.

Oh can you send it via Surrey please Carol💦😁 @carolgs

Lovely garden Rich👍

@richard.spicer.7906 ....... Great photo of your Cherry tree Richard...... beautiful.

Think it's on its way it's left here @cee

Beautiful 😍

That looks lovely Rich, been raining here in Hampshire since 9am and still going!

@richard.spicer.7906 .Lovely garden you got Richard .

Beautiful Cherry tree. X
Mid Spring 2018

Sitting in a late night coffee shop in London waiting for a train home from work, after a very long three days. Just one more day then it’s the wkd. Off to the Malvern show on Sunday for some me time with friends 😊

Aww enjoy your weekend Rich 👍🏻

Have fun Rich, enjoy the rest ☺️

Hey Rich - much deserved RichTime. Ha I have tomorrow off so my weekend has commenced...Have an absolutely brilliant weekend xx

Have a wonderful weekend. Malvern will be fabulous I’m sure 😊

Have a great weekend

Looks like a great place to unwind!! Have a great time with your friends. Very nice picture.😊💕

Lovely, enjoy 👍👍

Have a great time at Malvern Rich. What better way to relax than looking at beautiful flowers 🥀🥀🌷🌷⚘⚘

Mid Spring 2018

My happy place 😊 - missing the garden a lot at the moment, lots of spring daffs and tulips are up and out. Beds do need weeding, but everything is looking quite natural. And the cherry blossom has appeared out of nowhere, on Wednesday it hadn’t even opened yet.

Polytunnel is almost obscured from the bedroom window. Hadn’t thought about the view from the house but never mind. I’ll have to find a creative way of screening it 🤔

Natural gardens are my favourite kind 💚 didn’t notice the polytunnel til you said!

Agree with @rachelbrooks (bit like your front door Rachel 😂) what a lovely view and a great statement that cherry is making 😊

What a sight!! 💖 (Polytunnel? What polytunnel?)

#cherrytree #myview-richardspicer

Gorgeous, Rich! What a beautiful tree to look out at 😍 I agree with others, had to go back and look for polytunnel.

🌺lovely garden Rich..
Mid Winter 2018

Another pic from the back - it’s certainly easier to see the trunk close up now, I couldn’t even reach the trunk a couple of years ago as this was area was complete thicket of brambles and snowberrys. But it’s made way now for the Snowdrops (and the Bluebells later in May) to show themselves better - trying to spread them around the base a bit more.

My Goat Willow was even worse than this, Rich, and although the ivy was attractive (and probably played host to birds and insects) I felt that the tree deserved to be free of it. I did research as well and the advice was conflicting but I came to the conclusion that the ivy might eventually cover the branches and the weight could cause some tree branches to snap. It’s a tricky decision but I’m sure you’ll do what you think is best. @richard.spicer.7906 😘

Thanks Barbara - yep, decided I’m gonna cut it down significantly on the heaviest side and what’s left thin it a lot. On the light side I’m gonna remove the whole lot.... as soon as the snow goes away 😅 - will then call in a tree specialist to look at the diseased part of the tree. thanks for your advice Barbara 😊👍🏼 @jacaranda

Good call, Rich! You won’t regret it and the tree will breathe a sigh of relief 😂 Don’t forget to post photos once the work is done 👍 @richard.spicer.7906
Mid Winter 2018

So, I’ve had a closer look at the cherry this afternoon, and had a look online, and the big question has to be - is this Ivy damaging my tree? The Woodland Trust seems to argue it isn’t but I really don’t know - I’ve been clearing the surrounding area quite a bit over recent months (I rarely show it on GT as it was so overgrown) #thebigGTquestion #ivy-advice #hederahelix #cherrytree

It actually has two trunks and the one at the back is the one that has suffered the most from dieback and has the least Ivy, whereas the front trunk (which is almost completely surrounded by Ivy) is fine 🤔 - it’s a little confusing and I really am undecided 🤷🏼♂️

If it was my tree I’d definitely get rid of the ivy!! @richard.spicer.7906 👍

I had a tree surgeon take a look at one of the oaks near me which is covered in ivy. He was adamant that the tree suffers however he couldn’t see any sign of damage🤷♀️

You wouldn’t think the ivy would do it any good, but strange how the trunk with most is unscathed...🤔 I’d still be inclined to get rid of it all though 😏

I had a mystery occurring at the end of my garden @richard.spicer.7906 where a couple of trees had seemly disappeared! And I have just discovered that it was ivy that has pulled them down 😢 I feel incredibly silly for not recognising the problem sooner but reassured by reading these posts. I thought I was helping the birds and wildlife by leaving the end of my garden untouched and wild but I should have paid a bit more attention to what was happening. I have started cutting it back now!

My trees weren't as large as your cherry tree btw, I need to delve a bit deeper into the undergrowth but I think it's a hazel, an apple and possibly a pear tree too. These were all mature/old trees so possibly quite vulnerable. I've still got lots of cutting back to do and then some replanting! And it all needs to be done before the birds start nesting 🙄
Mid Winter 2018

My lovely Cherry Tree, this morning in the bitter cold. Such a beautiful blue sky earlier. I’m a bit worried about the back of it (haven’t taken a pic yet) as there were a number of dead branches last year, I think it might have a bit of bacterial canker - I occasionally find quite a bit of ‘ooze’ on the ground below. Will try getting in a tree specialist to see what they can recommend #cherrytree #prunus #nakedtrees - some info about bacterial canker #bacterialcanker

Hope you can save it

Not quite a naked tree Rich. Wearing some fetching ivy-green Y-fronts, lol! 😂

It needs it Jeff, it’s chuffing cold outside! 😝😂😂 @jeatacake

Me too Kathy - it’s a important part of the garden 🙏🏼 @kathy

Fingers crossed...

That’s a lovely tree, Rich. I’m sure a tree specialist will be able to work some magic! @richard.spicer.7906 🤞🤞


Oh yes do Rich! Before it spreads too far!

I wonder if the ivy is affecting it?

Indeed - I’m gonna take Barbara’s/Sarah’s advice and remove some of the ivy too. Maybe not all of it but it is quite a lot at the mo @brightcolours @columbiariver @rachelbrooks @Squares @kimguy @jacaranda
Early Spring 2017

Hello #springtime 🌸🌱, I've missed you.... 😊 #blossom #cherrytree #prunus #spring #views #mygarden #tree

Morning Rich, nice to see you 🙋👍

Looking lovely 🌸🌸🌸

Morning Rich blossom looking lovely 👌

Lovely pic

Great picture🤗

A lovely sight 😍😊

Its really happening @richard.spicer.7906 ☀️🌷🐛🌿🌱💐🌦🍹

Hi Richard 👋👋 nice to have you back 👍👍

Hi Rich lovely to see your cherry tree in full bloom ✨ and see you back 😀

Evening Julie 😊 - I wish I could say it's still morning but unfortunately not 😑 - missing the garden lots as so busy with work and college right now . Lots of lovely daffs and tulips out right now though 😊 @juliesgarden

Thanks @jacq1075 😊
Mid Autumn 2016

On fire! 😎🔥🌳🍁🍂🍃 #red #prunus #tree #cherrytree #autumn #leaves

Wow, morning Rich , great colours 🍁🍁🍁

Good morning Rich. Lovely colours 🍁🍁🍁

Amazing colours , I just love Autumn 😍😍😍

Fabulous real Autumn colours🍁🍁🍁😍


Wow beautiful photo 😍

Stunning! 🍁🍁🍁

Brilliant autumn colours, simply stunning


Stunning !!!!

Fabulous 🍁🍂🍂❤️
Mid Autumn 2016

I know I only posted a picture of this #prunus #tree on Monday, but saw it this morning when I got up as the sun rose and it just looks amazing 😍🍁🍃🍂 #red #sunrise #cherrytree #autumn

Fantastic 🍁🍁

Wow - beautiful!

Fabulous 👍👍

Glowing gorgeously! 👌🏼

Mid Spring 2016

This warmer weather this weekend finally brought out the blossom on my big cherry tree 😀 #blossom #spring

Beautiful Richard😍

Wow, so beautiful 😀


😋keep an eye on those birds 🙈

#bluesky #white #cherry

I expect you had to wait a while till there were blue skies and well worth it as makes a great contrast
Mid Winter 2016

Blossom buds filling out in the sun ☀️😎

Great photo Richard

Mid Autumn 2015

Close up of my cherry tree ❤️ #autumn 🍃🍂🍁

Fabulous colour Richard 🍁🍁

Gorgeous colour

Lovely big Cherry Tree I bet the birds are singing happily😀


Amazing colour ❤️❤️

Wow that's gorgeous Richard !!

Stunning 😎

It sure is a beaut Rich 🙌

Thanks everyone, it's a beautiful tree at this time of year. I reckon it must be about 50 years old. I'm always nervous given its age in case it starts to die - I've never seen one as big before.

Intense !

It certainly is @junebensted 😎 - I think the morning sun helped ☀️
Early Autumn 2015

Happy Saturday! I'm seeing lots of colours this morning from the #autumn spectrum 😊

#foliage 😜
Late Spring 2015
Late Spring 2015
Late Spring 2015
Mid Spring 2015
Early Summer 2014
Mid Spring 2014

I need help identifying this plant

It looks exactly like the Wild Cherry I have in my garden...

And ours get eaten by the parakeets before we get a look in!

A sad day.... 😢 - my beautiful cherry tree has developed a significant crack in the base of the trunk, which given it’s a two stem tree is a disaster as both trunks are now pulling away from each other and splitting further apart. The Tree surgeon team is now here, originally they were to thin it to reduce the weight but after a week of anxiety of movement and popping/cracking sounds we made the tough decision to bring it down for safety. They have also found the base is very hollow and rotten.
We noticed too it has hardly produced much blossom this year. Not sure the garden will ever look the same again 😭😭😭
How sad 😞 you could always plant another one 😁
Oh no! So sorry😭💔
Oh that’s sad news Richard, but it’s better to be safe than sorry and on the plus side Cherry wood is fabulous for woodcarvers as it’s nice hard wood with beautiful grain/texture, or for burning.
Aye cherries are notoriously difficult and as they get older various rot moves in. Too many unions cause weakness and the height of your one is wow. The best thing to do is leave the ground to rest, add compost and mulching. A new space fir a new view. My condolences
That’s sad Rich but the right decision for safety 🙄
Oh no, that is sad 😥
@richard.spicer.7906 .... Morning Richard...... very sorry you are losing such a beautiful tree ........ perhaps you might see it as an opportunity to eventually plant the site with something different and create a new vista..... I'm sure you will make a good choice whatever you decide .
Really sad news 😔
I agree with John @johninbrighton Something new will give you a different vibe! 😘😘