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St Albans based, career changer and studying Horticulture. Bulb addict, South African plant fan and converted succulent lover
Bit more tidying yesterday - I repotted this Pulmonaria last year as it was struggling. Already looking so much better, hardly posted any pics of it as it looked awful for the last couple of years.
#foliage and flowers 😀, one of my new additions for the woodland patch.
👌🏻spreads well
Bees love it 🐝🐝🐝
#purple #lungwort #pulmonaria #beeplant
yes it does @kathy, think it's a vigorous variety 👍🏼
Tied back into one of my gardening new year resolutions Deb 😀 @debs69
Thanks Lin! 😊 @linfoster - I have another one, but it's not flowering yet. 'Blue Ensign'.
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Bit more tidying yesterday - I repotted this Pulmonaria last year as it was struggling. Already looking so much better, hardly posted any pics of it as it looked awful for the last couple of years.