About to do some overdue weeding, and bramble removal. But admiring a few flowers first - I’ve had this for ages but never planted it. It’s still in its original pot embarrassed 😳 #pulsatilla #pulsatillavulgaris #pulsatilla-vulgaris #pasqueflower
that’s good to know Nicola @jendren 😄, I really hope I can find a spot in the garden finally for many of my plants. My planned garden tidy has been overdue but I’ve finally got started this week. Might be in the pot a little longer 😆 but hopefully now not for long
About to do some overdue weeding, and bramble removal. But admiring a few flowers first - I’ve had this for ages but never planted it. It’s still in its original pot embarrassed 😳 #pulsatilla #pulsatillavulgaris #pulsatilla-vulgaris #pasqueflower
Shocking Rich 💜😂😂
I know, very unlike me (not) 🤭🤣 @pelly
I think these plants can withstand just about anything Richard! I’ve got one in a pot at the bottom of the fence and it never complains.
that’s good to know Nicola @jendren 😄, I really hope I can find a spot in the garden finally for many of my plants. My planned garden tidy has been overdue but I’ve finally got started this week. Might be in the pot a little longer 😆 but hopefully now not for long