Whilst realising my snowdrop error this afternoon, I did however spot a mystery periwinkle flowering away next to the ladder #vinca #vincamajor #greaterperiwinkle
A ladder is on my shopping list now! Brilliant growing aid and much safer on the ground (my family made me get rid of mine - I was a daydreaming liability!)😂
Wooow I am jealous if your colour I only have the white and pink. Where did u get the seeds fir your beautiful colour. @novicegardenlover check this colour out it a beauty.
Thank you both 😊 - it’s a hardy vinca/periwinkle which are usually purple/blue, which I think is different to the periwinkle you probably grow in warmer climates which I think are whites and shades of pink (now called catharanthus rather than vinca I think?) @grantham @novicegardenlover
Not usually grown from seed Bee - it spreads by rhizome roots quite well so tend to buy from garden centre as fully grown plant which they have divided from a mother plant. My garden has always had some form of vinca spread throughout but never spotted the plan green leaved one before. Usually the variegated form @grantham
They have this habit of suddenly spring to life I’ve found Laura. You hardly notice them, then there they are all over the place when the flowers appear. I’ve got some others too, a variegated one with similar flower, one with very pale blue flowers, and another with very pointy thin purple flowers (oxyloba I think?) @columbiariver
@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Just scrolling through some old postings when I came across this one from you ..... Haven't seen anything from you for ages .... Hope all is well with you .... Best vibes from Brighton.
Whilst realising my snowdrop error this afternoon, I did however spot a mystery periwinkle flowering away next to the ladder #vinca #vincamajor #greaterperiwinkle
A ladder is on my shopping list now! Brilliant growing aid and much safer on the ground (my family made me get rid of mine - I was a daydreaming liability!)😂
Wooow I am jealous if your colour I only have the white and pink. Where did u get the seeds fir your beautiful colour. @novicegardenlover check this colour out it a beauty.
It is a beauty indeed @grantham
Thank you Katy 😊 @gjones will plant it in a bed somewhere. I’ve already got some others including a variegated one
Thank you both 😊 - it’s a hardy vinca/periwinkle which are usually purple/blue, which I think is different to the periwinkle you probably grow in warmer climates which I think are whites and shades of pink (now called catharanthus rather than vinca I think?) @grantham @novicegardenlover
Not usually grown from seed Bee - it spreads by rhizome roots quite well so tend to buy from garden centre as fully grown plant which they have divided from a mother plant. My garden has always had some form of vinca spread throughout but never spotted the plan green leaved one before. Usually the variegated form @grantham
😆😆 - well mine spends most of the time lying on the ground. Great use of shading pots from the heat of the sun! 😂 @Auricula
They have this habit of suddenly spring to life I’ve found Laura. You hardly notice them, then there they are all over the place when the flowers appear. I’ve got some others too, a variegated one with similar flower, one with very pale blue flowers, and another with very pointy thin purple flowers (oxyloba I think?) @columbiariver
@richard.spicer.7906 ...... Just scrolling through some old postings when I came across this one from you ..... Haven't seen anything from you for ages .... Hope all is well with you .... Best vibes from Brighton.