I’ve spent ages the last couple of years trying to figure out what this one was, as I always thought it had the wrong label. Recently I’ve been juggling between two x Pachyveria hybrids either 'Bea' or 'Yvonne' - finally think it’s Yvonne as this is quite large. Also colours up quite nicely! Flowered well in the summer too. Looks quite different from when I first bought it! #succulentsunday #pachyveria #xpachyveria #pachyveriayvonne #xpachyveriayvonne #succulent
Oh possibly Elaine. It’s only developed the red tips since being out in the sun. Never had them indoors when I first bought it @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Thanks 🙏🏼 That’s possible QT - I hadn’t heard of that name before. Is that another name for the one called Bea? A couple of websites I just looked at seem to suggest that. It’s so confusing with all these names 🥴 @QT
Hopefully labelled correctly as i think this was mislabelled in the shop a couple of months ok - would others agree it’s Pachyphytum hookeri? #succulent
I’ve spent ages the last couple of years trying to figure out what this one was, as I always thought it had the wrong label. Recently I’ve been juggling between two x Pachyveria hybrids either 'Bea' or 'Yvonne' - finally think it’s Yvonne as this is quite large. Also colours up quite nicely! Flowered well in the summer too. Looks quite different from when I first bought it! #succulentsunday #pachyveria #xpachyveria #pachyveriayvonne #xpachyveriayvonne #succulent
Yvonne’s grown into her name☺️
She has! It’s amazing how succulents look so different over time, no wonder it’s hard to identify sometimes 🥴 @Auricula
I think I’ve got this but without the red tips and just a baby…
Oh possibly Elaine. It’s only developed the red tips since being out in the sun. Never had them indoors when I first bought it @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Beautiful is it a pachyveria little jewel perhaps ? 💎
Thanks 🙏🏼 That’s possible QT - I hadn’t heard of that name before. Is that another name for the one called Bea? A couple of websites I just looked at seem to suggest that. It’s so confusing with all these names 🥴 @QT