Sempervivum Pacific Red Rose
Sempervivum 'Pacific Red Rose'
- Early Autumn 2021
- 12
- 2
- Early Autumn 2021
- 11
- 4
- Late Summer 2021
- 7
- 2
- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
- 5
- Late Autumn 2020
- 4
- 1
- Mid Summer 2020
- 2
- 1
- Late Winter 2019
- 12
- 4
- Mid Spring 2018
- 1
- 1
Sempervivum Pacific Red Rose
- Early Autumn 2021
- 12
- Early Autumn 2021
- 11
Very first blooms since i got this plant two years ago 😍
Wow that’s amazing 🤩
Thank you @philstalder ❤️
- Late Summer 2021
- 7
Going to bloom :) the left one seems to be multi-headed 🤔
Thanks amazing 🤩
- Mid Winter 2020
- 13
Now you're literally '(Pacific) Red Rose' 🌹🌹🌹
My sempervivum are dying :(
Oh no, hope yours will survive @TexasTanya
I'm in zone 9a. I ordered over $400.00 in Sempervivums and Jovibarba only to be told I'm fighting a battle I can't win. Watching them die is breaking my heart. Look at all the sempervivum on my plant list...then keep scrolling to unidentified plants and see the rest...:(
@TexasTanya you have a lot. Hope they will be ok... Good luck!
- Late Autumn 2020
- 4
Multi headed! Or is this crested?
- Mid Summer 2020
- 2
The best performance ever!
- Late Winter 2019
- 12
The name 'Pacific Red Rose 🌹' seems to originate in its winter colour ❣️
@ausgardentags thanks, amazing, isn't it?
- Mid Spring 2018
- 1
The seller says this is Pacific Red Rose, its leaves seen to have a different shape, ie., too straight! Please advise me if you can tell something about this little guy. TIA! #plantID