Here’s a before some critter got to it & an after but someone sent me some tips so 🤞🏼 already tried cayenne/tobasco n it’s not stopping this umm gopher/rabbit/raccoon 🤷🏻♀️ so we’ll just keep going down the list till i run out of ideas or plant left n hope it comes back next year (the plant not the critter) n I’ve found something that works 🤞🏼🤦🏻♀️
@cyndi that was my next idea, i have some left over from protecting my veggie patch so i was going to try to make a couple to protect them n see if that works 👍 great minds
See?! I can’t even get the terms right for cooking 😆🤦🏻♀️ I’m a lost cause, run 🏃🏻♀️save yourself! N yes i sure hope so (that it’ll be worth it later) 🤞🏼
Blooming well (one of the 3 anyway) 👏👏