Crassula 'Moonglow'
Crassula 'Moonglow'
Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2019
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Mid Autumn 2019
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Crassula 'Moonglow'
Late Autumn 2019
Late Autumn 2019

I am so sad :( I brought this baby home on 10/13 and it was doing pretty well-even growing some and then all of a sudden today I noticed it leaning so I turned it around and it was like black mold or rot!? I took off all the bad parts and am hoping I can replant it but any advice/suggestions? Definitely going in its own pot with lots of grit mixed in the soil- perlite, sand.... Anything else? Already use a cacti/citrus soil for better drainage. #moonglow #crassula-moonglow #succ #succs #succulen

Mid Autumn 2019

#moonglow #crassula-moonglow #succulent #succulents #succ #plant #tennessee #middle-tn
My poor moonglow :( it was growing- doing great and then one day I noticed it leaning and when I turned the pot around there was rot!? So I immediately took off all the rot and let it callus over... Then I thought I could try to have it re-root... Nope :( more rot showed up. Had to let it R.I.P. Maybe one day I can get another one and try again... So sad.
Mine rotted too! I tried to reroot, but mice ate it before I saw any progress. I guess that's one good thing about having to bring everybody inside for winter. No mice or birds to nibble them.