Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii
Birds-nest snake plant
Mid Spring 2020
- 6
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1

Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii
Mid Spring 2020
Late Autumn 2019

Wow it already has a baby!! #snakeplant #indoor #growtent #houseplant #tennessee #middle-tn
Mid Autumn 2019

Snake plant he got me for our 4th anniversary <3 #plant #snakeplant #snake-plant #sansevieria-repotting #anniversary gift #lowes
HELP! Why is my snake plant unhappy :( #planthelp #houseplanthelp #help #snakeplant #sansevieria #sansevieria-help #tennessee #middle-tn
Give less water and provide 3hrs sunlight
Is it so the same soil from the nursery? And how often do you water and what light does it get?
@savannahssucculentgarden, it has some of the same soil from the nursery but I did repot it with newer soil as well. And I usually do not water it often but I did recently and it doesn't get much light but it did get changed from natural light to an indoor light but I might move it back to natural light to see if that also helps but it was just on a shelf in the bedroom but I moved it to a bookshelf in my guest room with my other plants and now it is doing this :(
Are the leaves mushy? I'd quarantine it for starters. It's possible it's a fungus. Remove these leaves dipping your shears in alchohol or bleach after each cut then treat the plant with neem oil if you've got some. If it's not a fungus, then as @kaporyash said, less water and more indirect sunshine. They do fine in low lit rooms but they do fine in the light too. Good luck
Regardless of the cause, you should remove the affected leaves. They won't come back. I recommend watering once a month. They can survive in artificial light, as long as they get enough of it. If you don't keep the light on in the room every day, maybe try moving it to a window again. This could be from a combination of low light and water. The less light it gets, the less water it needs.