Sedum Adolphi
Sedum 'Adolphi'
Mid Summer 2021
- 5
Late Autumn 2019
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1

Sedum Adolphi
Mid Summer 2021
Late Autumn 2019

So I already had three 'firestorm' plants that I got on discount that were stretched about 2 weeks ago (top picture). I just got five new ones out of discount arrangements I just got during the holiday (two pictured in the bottom photos)... Should I behead and/or deleaf the stretched ones and propagate? Or should I leave them? #adviceneeded #help #propagation #beheaded #stretched #firestorm #firestorm-sedum #sedum-adolphii-firestorm #copperstone #sedum #succulent #gthelp #succulents #advice #hel

I dont know where u live but maybe I should wait until.spring because depending on the weather and light it may just stretch again u know

Unless you've got excellent plant grow lights, I think you should wait until spring. But I can't grow succulents for my life so advice from me may be worthless!
Late Autumn 2019

Newest firestorms pulled from the discount arrangements β€ All in repurposed cans for planters (tops cut, holes punched in bottom, painted) #fire #firestorm-sedum #firestorm #sedum #sedumfirestorm #sedum-firestorm #succulent #succulents #houseplant #indoor #growtent #growlight #succulentlover #succulentlove #tennessee #middle-tn #reuse #reuse-repurpose #reduce-reuse-recycle #diy #diyplanter #diypot #crafts #colorful #crafty #recycle-renew-reuse #recycle #repurposed #repotted
Mid Autumn 2019

Think this is a 'Firestorm' sedum? #succulent #firestorm #sedum-adolphii-firestorm #firestorm-sedum #firestormsedum #triplets #sedum-firestorm #bright
My firestorm leaves are rooting!! 🥳 More babies to come soon! 🤗 #sedumadolphii #sedum-adolphii #sedum-adolphii-firestorm #firestorm-sedum #firestorm #propagation #roots #fingers-crossed #tennessee #middle-tn #succulent #succulents #growlight #plantlight
Lots of babies💚😊👍
@CemeteryDaisy once these have babies and are more settled- I do not mind sharing! I will have plenty as long as they keep progress