x Gasteraloe 'Flow'
Gasteraloe 'Flow'
Early Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Winter 2020
- 5
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 2

x Gasteraloe 'Flow'
Early Autumn 2020
Early Winter 2020

Umm.. any idea what THAT is? #help #treatmentneeded #spot #whatisit #tennessee #middle-tn

Maybe too much watering

This appears to be scale to me. It looks like raised bumps? Water spots are flat...

Thankfully they aren't raised so far. If it is scale, what is the best treatment? @KariSamuel

https://www.epicgardening.com/scale-insects/ or https://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/2932 - both have good information. I hand pick or use a soft brush or alcohol. Look to see if your plant does have scale... look at the tag for #scale, as there are 40 other images to reference from other Gtags users. Let me know how this turns out.
Early Winter 2020

*redo post! My baby is stretching so we are going to give her a new home closer to the light! #stretching #succulent #succulents #growlights #growlight #tennessee #middle-tn #indoor
Late Autumn 2019

Help me identify this plant! #gardentag #helpid #helpidentify #gthelp #succulent #succulents #houseplantid #succulentid #succulent-help #help #indoor #new #identification

I think it is a gasteraloe? #gasteraloe #flow #gasteria-flow #aloe #gasteria-id #succulent #succulents #succulent-id #succulent-id-help #houseplant #indoor #growtent #growlight #tennessee #middle-tn
Wow... so you can tell I kinda forgot this one... desperate for some wayer... but it exploded in the window! Butt-chugging time! #succulent #gasteraloe #gasteraloe-flow #indoorplant #windowsill #thirsty #tennessee #middle-tn