@KariSamuel had an opinion from one of our local experts. He suggested the only way to tell whether dracaena or cordyline is to look at the roots. They are different colours but because a cutting not possible. I don't think its a aglaonema, I have the Siam variety that is similar to this.
Please Help me identify this plant cutting. Think some type of dracaena. Hope it will take for me.
I believe that this is a variety of aglaonema or chineseevergreen, but I will let others confirm or deny that.
@KariSamuel had an opinion from one of our local experts. He suggested the only way to tell whether dracaena or cordyline is to look at the roots. They are different colours but because a cutting not possible. I don't think its a aglaonema, I have the Siam variety that is similar to this.
I have removed my tags as not to confuse anyone. I had the crete variety which looks identical to yours.