Echeveria Afterglow
Echeveria 'Afterglow'
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2017
- 13

Echeveria Afterglow
Mid Spring 2018
Late Winter 2018

After several head chops.
Late Summer 2018

Mother plant

That’s incredibly nice!

#echeveria-afterglow #echeveriaafterglow

How is your afterglow nowadays? 😍
Late Summer 2018
Early Autumn 2017

Help me identify this plant #plantid @Muzz67 #brightcolours @succulentandfriends

Oh lovely It almost looks like a baby afterglow ...might be way off

Oh what do others think ? @succulentandfriends @alovealoe? Its still little ? 🙄

They are a fairly large Rock.

I like that one. Where did you buy it? From Fran.

Not sure if you got my last message. @rosegardengirl.

@Franb we got it from the landscapers near lake road. Pm. It was only $5 but another friend went later in the day not many left.

Thanks Roslyn next time I am going to Port. I will call in and what their got, also I want to go to the new K-Mart. From Fran. @rosegardengirl.

Where are you coming from? More than happy to give you a leaf. You can contact me on Facebook msg.

@zinniasrock Rachel this one looks similar to yours.

@rosegardengirl it does.

@tuppelina ,wish this one would get a grow on haven't found its happy place yet.