Echeveria Agavoides Red top
Echeveria 'Agavoides Red Top'
Mid Spring 2019
- 0
Late Autumn 2019
- 0
Early Autumn 2019
- 0
Early Autumn 2019
- 0
Late Winter 2018
- 0
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 3
Early Winter 2018
- 0
Early Autumn 2018
- 11
Early Autumn 2018
- 2

Echeveria Agavoides Red top
Mid Spring 2019
Late Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019
Late Winter 2018
Mid Winter 2018

Separated now.
Early Winter 2018

@Muzz67 @Yollymac I’ve added two more pictures to this one I bought labeled as pink lipstick could you update a proper name for it now please. Was suggested Reinelt cross. What do you think. Noeline Tomlinson suggested just calling it hybrid has also been suggested Red top.

I think red top is good 😁

Agavoides Maria could also be a possibility 😉
Early Winter 2018
Early Autumn 2018

@Yollymac this is a top view. Just called it Unknown echeveria so I could find it. Unknown plants right at the bottom take ages to access. Maybe there is a better way than scroll and wait for it to load.

@Muzz67 @KelsiBriana @marlynroses @cazz47 - any ideas ladies?

Echeveria agavoides 'Lipstick'. Maybe wait a few more months

@Yollymac @Muzz67 @KelsiBriana @cazz47 it has pink lipstick on the pot but I didn't think there was a colour in the name of this plant. Is there another one?

There is a search feature (at the top) on your list of plants. If you put Unidentified in the search box - all of your unidentified plants should show up.

There is a search feature (at the top) on your list of plants. If you put Unidentified in the search box - all of your unidentified plants should show up.

I can’t get the unidentified to show. I thought that was because it’s not in the encyclopaedia. @KariSamuel but then technology looses me too. 😐 😐 😐

Okaaay.... @rosegardengirl - I can't get it to find my unidentified ones either!! I stand corrected! I'm going to ask @teamgardentags @usgardentags @ukgardentags @ausgardentags - How can we search our OWN unidentified plants, without scrolling endlessly? 🤔

Thanks @KariSamuel so it’s not my technology deficiency lol

Heck no! It might be a gremlin within the app! I swore I could do it before!! 🙁😒😯 @rosegardengirl We will wait and see what the response is. Sorry for any added confusion! 😣

Ooo 🤔 could be Agavoides Reinelts cross maybe 😊 @rosegardengirl mine is in process of getting more sun and when it does it turns the most beautiful pillar box red edges
Early Autumn 2018

Help me identify this plant please @Yollymac @Muzz67 @brightcolours

Would you mind to please load a top down photo?