Echeveria Curls
Echeveria 'Curls'
Mid Winter 2018
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Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 10

Echeveria Curls
Mid Winter 2018
Early Autumn 2018

Possibly E. Pastel. Maybe review when you see flowers. ☺️
Early Autumn 2018

@Yollymac @Muzz67 I was told when I bought this today it was curls. Not in the encyclopaedia so what do you think.

@rosegardengirl some of these are impossible to ID until maturity at 2 to 4 years old. I haven’t heard of a curly Echeveria called ‘Curls’ before. I suggest you have a gander at the ‘Echeveria in Oz’ website that is run by some of the experts who have heavily contributed to the ICN. You may have to wait on this one though - sorry!

Its not E.Curly Locks is it Roslyn ? As Yollandi said it can be tricky to id curly ones when young .Look at the Ech in oz site could be useful 😁

@Muzz67 probably what they meant.

Just had a later picture on echeveria Australia. It was confirmed as E. curls. @Yollymac @Muzz67 here is the ICN link for that plant to help you confirm the ID when you see flowers. 😊

@Yollymac I did look at ecn Beverly spiller has named this one and the lady I bought it from had a picture of mother plant.

It’s very useful having that photo of the mother plant! And isn’t it just beautiful!

@Yollymac sure is can't wait till mine looks like that. For some silly reason I bought the double plant and one on its own. Now I see the mother plant I'm quite happy to have a few.

Good job Roslyn! Very satisfying 😉
@Yollymac sorry to be nuisance it’s in the encyclopaedia now. Wasn’t when I first added plant.