Cucurbita Pepo 'Sunburst Patty Pan'
Squash 'Sunburst Patty Pan'
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 8

Cucurbita Pepo 'Sunburst Patty Pan'
Early Summer 2019
Late Spring 2019

Excited for the sun to come out so we can finally try one of these. #squash #pattypan #pattypansquash
Mid Spring 2019

Help me identify this plant - I sowed courgettes and patty pans but got them mixed up... Is there a way to tell them apart??

Hi Rosie 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping Discover and "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hi", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert. Finally, if you'd like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: Enjoy using GT! 😃

Thanks also for asking us to help identify your plant #PlantID. Fellow GT'ers are you able to help Rosie? @barbaramatthews @carolgs @Garyg @jamesshobbs @joanboston @KariSamuel @kathy @lexijane @linfoster @mikethegardener @mrsflowerpot @PlantDoctor @richard.spicer.7906 @Yollymac

Courgette/cucumber probably

@kathy yes definitely a courgette but some are patty pans! Guess I'll have to wait and see what they produce!

What’s patty pans🤔 just looked it up, I guess you’ll have to wait till they are bigger or fruit

Hello, you might be able to tell the difference when they are a bit older but I think the leaves are very similar to each other, you might just have to wait until they are fruiting, I do they thing forget to label and think I'll remember but never do!! Good luck

Yes @carolgs I always move them around and get them muddled up! It will be a nice surprise when they produce fruit!
Patty Pan Squash update. Wondering whether to harvest this and hope for some bigger ones?? #gyo #pattypansquash #harvest