Castanospermum australe syn. Castanospermum brevivexillum ; Castanospermum australe var. brevivexillum
Magic Bean Plant
Mid Spring 2016
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Castanospermum australe syn. Castanospermum brevivexillum ; Castanospermum australe var. brevivexillum
Mid Spring 2016
The #blackbean tree is in flower. Great Xmas colours #oznative #castanospermumaustrale #castanospermum
Lovely 😀❤️👌🌿
Love these! So do birds @roswel
#leisel #plants we haven't had any seed yet. Hopefully this year (fingers crossed)
@leisel ⬆️
@philstalder flowers should be pretty 😍
Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks 😊 @sherrisgarden
Very welcome 😀 @philstalder