- Mid Winter 2021
- 23
- Late Autumn 2020
- 23
#snakeplant I’ve been growing this little guy for two years lol he’s three inches tall. I’ve always had the wrong soil and requirements. Luckily it’s held on for dear life. Also, the place I moved into didn’t have the best of energy. It took a year or so to get rid of bad energy. Dragons blood and santo palo did the trick. #smudging really works wonders.
I shudder to think what kind of bad energy could hold back a snek plant. NOTHING bothers them.
@emch very negative energy lingering for a long time. I couldn’t grow anything my first year here. Anything I’d try to grow would die within a few days. Better energy now after setting some roots.
@rudester1 and what about the actual growing conditions? Light, temperature. humidity, etc? And what were you trying to grow?
@emch all conditions where there. I tried different houseplants and also tried starting veggies from seeds and no luck. A year later and I can grow anything and everything. I went a little crazy from excitement this past summer. All my plants made me happy this summer so I was sure to MAKE room for everything I grew. I’m still savings seeds to this day. My happy pastime.
New growth. Loving it’s new environment. #newgrowth #snakeplant
Awesome 😃