Tradescantia zebrina syn. Tradescantia tricolor, Tradescantia zebrina pendula, Tradescantia pendula
Silver Inch Plant
Late Autumn 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2020
- 6

Tradescantia zebrina syn. Tradescantia tricolor, Tradescantia zebrina pendula, Tradescantia pendula
Late Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

My wanderer after a good trim. Slowly getting her color back from being out in the sun since spring. #wanderingjew #houseplant #tricolorwanderingjew

Looks awesome 💜💚

@hkyfvr @dirtgirlworld thank you. I love how they take off with just a few cuttings and little to no care.

Very welcome. Glad it is doing so well. I do not have one yet but would like to get one. Glad it is easy to care for. 💕😊

Fantastic looking plant, I have a small one that I started from a few rooted stems in water #wanderingjewjourney Can't wait till she's as beautiful as yours😍 @rudester1

Thanks Thelma. From about six rooted cuttings from the nursery I transplanted her into a hanging basket with coco lining. I left it on my Lilac tree to hang under a good amount of shade since the spring and she just thrived. The sun will scorch the leaves. It’s my first time growing this plant and I’m super happy with how she’s turned out. @crabby58 Also, the cuttings root easily when stuck straight into the soil. My mom has a few in water and she prefers them that way. To each their own. 😊
Cuttings from the mother plant. Cuttings root quickly when stuck straight into the soil. Great plant for gifting.
@rudester1 I think these are the easiest plant to grow and propagate 😁