Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels' mix
Yarrow 'Summer Pastels'
Early Summer 2016
- 5
Late Spring 2016
- 6

Achillea millefolium 'Summer Pastels' mix
Early Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

New plant for new border. #rustyslittleproject

I love all umbellifers. They remind me of Yes album artwork by Roger Dean! In fact there's not really much I don't love, lol! @rusty

@gardengimp That's so true! We met Roger Dean not very long ago, talented artist and all round nice guy.

Just checked out the Yes album artwork to see what you meant. It's brilliant! Didn't know the plant was also called an umbellifer. It's nothing short of an education this garden tagging lark 😉👍 @gardengimp @tash74

Lol @rusty! Every day's a school day for me too :) Umbellifer is the general term for a plant whose smaller flowers appear in often an upwards cluster. Cow parsley is another. @tash74 no waay! I can't believe you met Roger Dean! I'm glad he's still about. You're so lucky! I remember gazing at my dad's book of his artwork and being mesmerised :)

Ah, now I understand. Thank you @gardengimp 👍
Yay, it's as pretty as I'd hoped!
Thats so sweet looking 💕👌
Thank you @keely. I'm not sure that the common name 'Common Yarrow' does a lot for me, so I'm glad it's not about the name and all about the plant.
I really should try these. I have some wild yarrow but like the look of some of the cultivars
Do it @richard.spicer.7906! The only trouble for me was I didn't know what colour I was going to get. As it turns out, this fits the garden perfectly. ☺