Allium ursinum
Allium (Species) Wild Garlic
Early Spring 2018
- 1
Late Winter 2018
- 9
Early Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2016
- 5
Mid Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 10

Allium ursinum
Early Spring 2018
Late Winter 2018

Noooooooooo! Not again! 😭 Every year we have masses and masses of the stuff. 🙈 #bulb #nemesis

Oh no! You've got me worrying about my Horsetail Grass now Sandra! 😀

My heart sinks every year when I see this stuff @bigemrg. It makes the garden stink for months. But I don't envy you with your Horsetail Grass either!

I go to a garden where it is covered in the thinner leafed one every year I'm forever digging them out of the borders and mowing it in the grass absolute nightmare I feel your pain

Thank you @carolgs, it's nice to know someone understands. I have at least 30 square metres of it. There's no way I could dig it all out, but I do what I can. Let battle commence! 💣🔪🔫😣

I'm going to hit it with some form of weedkiller where there are no plants as it's driving me insane too

weed killer not kill onion garlic. it looks like you have ramps the are considered a delicacy. you may be able to sell to high end restaurant. @carolgs @rusty

There's just too much of it @moore.794 . I've been spraying it for years, and mine is thinning out a fair bit compared to my neighbours. At least you can see soil between mine (at the moment). Their ground is completely covered. If I could get someone to come dig it up and take it away, I would. I dig it, pull it, the leaves come off and the blub stays glued into the slimy, waterlogged soil...or if the bulb comes out, it takes loads of soil with it. It's a nightmare!

yes but have to spray with right chemical numerous times ortho weed be gone is one but could take a couple of years. you could try boiling water after digging down to bulbs &pouring large bucket on and covering to keep heat in. good luck
Early Spring 2017
Early Spring 2017

Wild garlic getting in amongst my late daffs. 😨
Mid Spring 2016

Please don't look if you are a wild garlic fan! I think some of the glyphosate spraying I did in early spring may have had at least a little effect on the plants. The top right of the pic shows my wild garlic situation, and the bottom left shows my neighbours'. I did 2 sprayings, the second being double strength. I have had a go at digging it out, but I have thousands and thousands of large and tiny plants in waterlogged soil, so the roots often remain stuck fast in the mud. Do you have any exp

Hard to get rid of. Keep going with the glyphosate I guess, every couple of weeks?

Will do @joanboston. This is the third year running that I've killed it though, and it's certainly not left yet! I wonder if @GREENFINGERSLTD has had any problems with this

I guess it self sows so it depends how many years that's viable? Keep at it!

Use lawn weed killer trample on the leaves then spray.
Mid Spring 2016

#white #macro #gyo Although, to be honest, it grows itself and I keep trying to get rid of it. It wins the game every. Don't know why I keep playing really. 😟😉
Early Spring 2016

My wild garlic @tina 🙈😣😭

Oh no😧

That's amazing

Yes you use the leaves in cooking @latebloomer

I didn't plant it @latebloomer, it really is wild. I've weed killed it twice this year, but it thrives anyway. I will have to follow your advice @kathy and dig it up, but it's a bit wet on the waters edge right now, and this is only a fraction of it. Wild garlic is pretty, @tina is clever enough to know how to use it, I love seeing it in flower in parks/woodlands, but it's causing me a serious headache. If it gets in my neighbours' gardens there'll be trouble...😵😵😵😳

I'm sure I'll get some warped sense of enjoyment just trying to get rid of it @latebloomer. I seem lo love any time in the garden, love any time I the garden ☺☺☺

@latebloomer I brought my from eBay

Same me I was watching friend sorting my garden and I did some deadheading my garden is my haven ☺️ @rusty @latebloomer 😍😊☺️

My annual spraying of the wild garlic happened today. I have to say that my bank looks a lot less smothered this year...almost sparse. 😀