Crocosmia 'Lucifer'
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2019

Oooh you've got one out already. I'm waiting on mine, they were great last year so I planted a few more! Here's hoping 😊😊❤❤

Mine were only planted last year, this is my first flower. I have four different varieties, none of the others have thrown up any flowers yet @midnightgardener

@sadieberg Oh but they will. I planted some last year and they flowered beautifully the same year. Can't wait to see your other varities. They're a wonderful flower 😊😊❤❤
The flowers on this are really striking and substantial, they make a lovely coloursplash right across the garden 😍
Oooh Lucifer's are devilishly Beautiful ♥️♥️Mine won't be long now, that's what the Prince of Darkness says 😁😀♥️♥️