Dracaena marginata 'Bicolour'
Mid Autumn 2018
Mid Spring 2018

#plantid Can anyone tell me what the name of this house plant is and what is nibbling the leaf edges?

It’s a dracaena marginata bicolor. Knotches in leaves could be from vine weevil adults which can often be seen in containerised plants. Knock it out of the pot and see if you can see any of the larvae. I’ll post a link.


Thankyou so much @cosmicveggie I will knock it out tomorrow and have a good look. It needs a chop and repot anyway 😁

Please check about pruning, I have a feeling you can’t ‘prune’ them 😊

When they get too tall I just cut the tops off and poke the sticks in the pot, it then sprouts one or two shoots from the top again. All the sticks you see in the photo are when I have done that in previous years and all have taken.
This got too leggy so I cut the tops off in summer and it is coming back beautifully now @Colinwwilson
Good to know, bought mine s/h and it's very leggy...trunk is thin and bendy, needs supported...unsure if that's normal
The older it is, the thicker the stem/'trunk'. I have cut this one right back about 4 times in the 20 odd years I have had it. I poke the sticks I cut off into pots of compost and make new ones too 😉
Coming back nicely 😁🙏🏼👍🏼