Philodendron Birkin
Late Spring 2022
Mid Summer 2021

So much #newgrowth on my #philodendron #birkin You all know how much I love new growth! Always makes my day! #philodendronbirkin #houseplant #variegated #foliage
The Home Depot across the street just got a bunch of rare plants and I couldn’t resist. I’ve been there about 4-5 times in the last week or so. They are just such great deals, I can’t resist. This #philodendron #birkin was about $20 USD. I will post more pictures of my rare he depot finds soon. Some include ZZ raven, philodendron red congo, alocasia dark star, monstera obliqua, monstera ginny, plus a lot more. 🤗 #philodendronbirkin #houseplant #houseplants #variegated #foliage #foliagefriday
There is no way they had a true obliqua there. No way. Maybe it's adansonii. Most obliquas that are aquired from rare plant stores and private sellers are even iffy as to being real u know. So I doubt it. Also I would call the rest maybe harder to find but not rare u know. Just want to say tho I was never a birkin fan but yours is really nice. Its so uniform. Cant wait to see the others
Thanks @heatherdirtyhands it could be mislabeled. I just copied it down from the label, so who knows. My years of gardening has taught me that plants get mislabeled all the time. I do know the name of the nursery is Bella Nursery and they have /some/ rare plants, so who knows. I’ll post a picture of that one next. And thank you about the birkin. I thought she was extra pretty, too.