Rosa (Floribunda)
Rose (Floribunda)
Mid Spring 2017
- 1
Mid Spring 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 3
Early Summer 2016
- 1

Rosa (Floribunda)
Mid Spring 2017
Mid Spring 2017

Any suggestions what's wrong with this rose bush? All the others in the garden are fine ?!

If it's poor try chopping it right down put some fresh compost down and leave. Hopefully it will come back fighting strong. I've done this with great result (roses are really tough survivors).

It's been chopped pretty hard already and last year was choked with bind weed so maybe that's why it's struggling. I'll try feeding it and see if that helps!
Early Summer 2016

Lovely 🌹

Beautiful 😍

Thank you - nothing to do with my own hardwork as I've inherited them from previous owner. Hoping to get out in the garden this weekend and try and free them from the bind weed and brambles !
Early Summer 2016

A rather beautiful rose fighting it's way against a backdrop of brambles and bind weed in a particularly wild part of my new garden!
First rose out a few days ago, unfortunately the rain has got it but plenty more buds to follow