Hippeastrum reticulatum
Hippeastrum (Species) Netted-Veined Amaryllis
- Early Spring 2024
- 4
- 0
- Late Autumn 2022
- 1
- 3
- Late Winter 2022
- 6
- 2
- Mid Winter 2022
- 4
- 1
- Mid Winter 2022
- 4
- 3
- Mid Summer 2021
- 1
- 0
- Early Spring 2021
- 4
- 0
- Early Spring 2021
- 1
- 0
- Early Spring 2021
- 4
- 4
Hippeastrum reticulatum
- Early Spring 2024
- 4
- Late Autumn 2022
- 1
Nothing has happened since. Not a single one flowered. Previous years at least one flowered but that was before I repotted them all to individual pots. Now waiting for leaves to naturally withdraw and than to dark place (I didn't know about that before).
It is hard to tell from this angle, but they look like they may be planted too deep?
Hi @KariSamuel thank you! If you swipe to the left, there are many photos from various angles. It may be that I added some soil ar some point to those that were very shallow. I suspect it was error not to keep them in cold and dark after leaves withered.🤷
- Late Winter 2022
- 6
They appeared this morning. Unfortunately I don't have a date when I repotted the bulbs and brought indoors, the app says only 1 week. It doesn't feel like only one week passed by. The other tray of bulbs that is in closed veranda are dormant and there is 3rd batch still not transplanted into individual pots. (Everything is late due to fertilizer mishap last year, leaves were so big and it took ages for them to wither away.)
Kada se pokažu pupovi, može se zalijevati malo više, ali ne tako da voda stoji u podlošku. U to doba počinje se i sa prihranom. Za prihranu možete koristiti hranjivo koje koristite i za prihranu rajčica.
- Mid Winter 2022
- 4
This was before reppoting in individual pots.
- Mid Winter 2022
- 4
#repotting-day I had fertilizer mishap last year resulting in loooong leaves, it took ages to wither. So I repotted them only today. This time in individual pots, from 2 pots. I put them half indoors and half in veranda. I have yet another pot with 7 bulbs.
Last year I had only one flower blooming 🤣 will see 🤞, @gjones
@gjones not a single bloom from all those bulbs! Only leaves.
- Mid Summer 2021
- 1
- Early Spring 2021
- 4
- Early Spring 2021
- 1
- Early Spring 2021
- 4
Sadnja lukovica (jesen): posaditi ih u cvjetne lonce, i to tako da 1/3 lukovice ostane iznad površine te ih dobro zalijte iza sadnje. Ako su bile u vrtu unijeti prije mraza u zatvoreni prostor, u prohladnu (oko 15 °C) tamnu prostoriju gdje ostaju oko 8 tjedana (mirovanje). Iza toga razdoblja iznose se na svjetlo u umjereno tople sobe (oko 20 °C).
Nakon mirovanja stavite na toplo (17 - 20 °C) i sunčano mjesto. Počinje se pomalo (ne preobilno) zalijevati. Kada se pokažu pupovi, može se zalijevati malo više, ali ne tako da voda stoji u podlošku. U to doba počinje se i sa prihranom. Za prihranu možete koristiti hranjivo koje koristite i za prihranu rajčica. Tijekom cvatnje nastojte skloniti lončanice s izravnog sunca i zaštitite ih od propuha.
Ocvale cvjetove uklonite tako da odrežete cvjetnu stapku čisto pri dnu. Cvjetne lonce iza cvatnje i dalje držite na umjereno toplom i svijetlom mjestu. Listove uklonite tek kada požute i propadnu. Zalijevanje se opet smanjuje.
Amarilisu ne odgovara sadnja u preveliku i preduboku posudu. Usto, prilikom sadnje lukovica ne bi trebala biti posve prekrivena zemljom, nego bi jedan njezin dio trebao viriti iz nje. Pročitajte više na: https://m-living.vecernji.hr/zelena-zona/uzgojite-uspjesno-amarilis-1053538 - m-living.vecernji.hr