Passiflora caerulea
Blue Passion Flower
Early Summer 2024
- 1
Late Spring 2023
- 1
Late Spring 2023
- 1
Late Spring 2023
- 1
Early Spring 2023
- 1
Early Winter 2022
- 4
Late Autumn 2022
- 4
Late Autumn 2022
- 1
Mid Spring 2022
- 2
Late Winter 2022
- 5
Early Summer 2021
- 3
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 5
Early Spring 2021
- 1

Passiflora caerulea
Early Summer 2024
Late Spring 2023

Starting to spread
Late Spring 2023

Buds out of focus
Late Spring 2023

#bud 💚
Early Spring 2023

It survived repositioning, it grew unassisted before, and now I want to train this branch. I wander how dense it will grow? Lots of effort having my arms raised, good workout, as well as climbing the ladder 😂💪
Early Winter 2022

Started pruning the grape vine away, that was sort of useful when climbers were young but next year I guess it will not be needed. Long handle pliers are handy for not needing ladders but are surprisingly heavy I was shaking from the effort. So I cleared 2 arches only, lonicera being between them but went diagonally away to adjacent 2 arches crowding loniceras. (Shown on this picture.) I hope to be able to gently reposition it without harm. Passiflora is very sensitive to handling in my experien

Note to myself: this work was too strenuous, day after I got ill 😫 and all holiday plans canceled. To be more careful next time instead of carried away.

That's a lot of hard work. Take care of yourself Sanja, this is too strenuous to sacrifice your health for. Get well soon 🪷✨

Thank you, dear @Sharain
Late Autumn 2022

The same from another angle

Prune your passion flower once a year in early spring if necessary. Flowers are produced on the new growth, so pruning entails removing the old flowered stems, while retaining a framework of strong, healthy stems. Pruning helps to keep the plant tidy and within bounds.

Passion flowers don't like to be pruned too hard, too often, as it weakens the plant. Give your plants a light prune at the end of the summer once they've finished flowering or, if they require some renovation, a harder prune during early spring is the way to go.

let one main stem become a really thick branch, like this one and let it grow right to the top and cut off any of the side shoots that go out until it reaches that top and then you can let the side shoots go and attach them to the trellis
Late Autumn 2022

I don't remember if it turned to the right by itself or if I trained that way by mistake. I hope to redirect it up and to fill the arch on the left side. Unsure how since I killed passionflowers just by manipulation. But they were pretty young.
Mid Spring 2022
Late Winter 2022

Another chance with #passionflower-caerulea #newpurchase #lidl #van-der-starre , last year it didn't went well. This is why I like cataloguing plants to be able to track history and learn. IMHO that is the best feature of this app.

I agree about the cataloging of your plants to keep a living journal of them! Year to year things progress as well!

🤞I hope! Thank you @KariSamuel edit: I noticed that you have multiple catalog entries of the same plant species?

Yes, because I have multiple plants of the same species in different growing conditions and different ages! So I can monitor each one! If I loose one, I still have the information on the others. I live in zone 4b-5a, in Wisconsin. Many of my plants are indoors, receiving different light.

Wow kudos to you! That is gigantic work, congratulations!! 👏
Early Summer 2021


Oh! Is this dark photo your way of marking a catalogued plant dead? Clever! @teamgardentags @usgardentags @ukgardentags @ausgardentags

@sushiwaitress yes, thank you! Seeing the photos makes me sad each time, but want to keep the record for future reference.
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2021

#first-bud : this spot is so much better, leaves are dark green again. I'm only second guessing planting it together with this clematis.
Late Spring 2021

Morning sun
Late Spring 2021

New friends just #repotted, in urgent need of trellis.
Late Spring 2021

It looks too yellow, don't you think? 🤔 What to do? I moved it back inside just in case temp difference causing it.

Place it in full sunlight and give liquid seaweed extract fertilizer

Thank you. I don't know when I'll have the chance to purchase it, but I'll do it asap. Being inside, lower leaves become darker.
Mid Spring 2021

#repotted today.
Early Spring 2021

Kao tropska biljka za svoj rast traži sunčan položaj. Iako neke vrste mogu podnijeti temperature i do -10C, preporuka je saditi ih u tegle i tijekom zime unijeti u zatvoreni prostor. Kada smo kod tegle, birajte veličinu prema starosti same biljke, jer pasiflora voli sputan korijen, tada bolje raste. Na supstratu za sadnju nemojte štedjeti. Osim što mora biti neutralnih pH vrijednosti, mora biti bogat hranjivima i dobro propustan.

Idealna kombinacija sa sadnju je mješavina kvalitetne zemlje za balkonske biljke i kokosovog supstrata. Kvalitetna zemlja u sebi sadrži i potrebna hranjiva, struktura joj je fina i mrvičasta, a kokos će supstrat održati rahlim, propusnim, te zadržavati taman onoliko vlage koliko je biljci potrebno. Mlade sadnice potrebno je presaditi svakog proljeća, a onim starijim, svakih nekoliko godina obogatiti zemlju u tegli novom. Ne zaboravite na prihranu svakih 15 dana tekućim gnojivom u vrijeme rasta.

Passiflora caerulea je jedina koja se može uzgajati i u stanu. Cvjeta plavkasto ljubičasto. Najbolje je uzgajati Pasifloru u tegli, pa i ako je zakopana u zemlju, jer to ograničava rast korijenja i potiče obilnije cvjetanje. Može lako narasti do 3 metra u visinu i oko 2 metra široko ako ima rešetku kao potporanj.

*Rezidba:* Nakon što je biljka ocvala i rodila plodove, potrebno je orezati dijelove koji su višak kako bi se biljka ponovno razvila. Dvogodišnje grane je potrebno odvezati s potpore i odrezati je do 4 ili 5 cm do stabljike. Osim toga, potrebno je maknuti ocvalo cvijeće i osušene ili oštećene grane. Nakon što biljka odrveni, potrebno je orezati rodne izboje kako bi sljedeće godine imala plodove. Prvo orezivanje je potrebno obaviti u jesen, ali postepeno, kako biljka ne bi doživjela šok.

Tijekom velikog orezivanja biljka može izgubiti i više od 20 cm visine. U proljeće, prije vegetacije je potrebno odrezati nekoliko cm sa svake grane kako bi se potaknuo daljnji rast. Važno je zapamtiti da pasiflora cvjeta na mladim granama, pa ako nije pravilno orezana, postoji mogućnost da će sljedeće godine imati manje cvjetova.
Early Spring 2021

Didn't survive.