Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'
Hindu Rope Plant, Indian Rope plant
Late Autumn 2019
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Late Autumn 2019
- 1

Hoya carnosa 'Compacta'
Late Autumn 2019
Late Autumn 2019

Just got her from the #nursery yesterday. Spent about 2 hours picking out #plants I picked 4 total, but only got a photo of this little lady, before it got dark. I was planning of getting more photos today, but winds are 25MPH (40KMH) right now, so I can't even open my #greenhouse without it blowing over, but i had picked out all of my plants and was on my way to the register when I saw her tucked into a corner, by herself, and I had to have her!! 💚 #hoya #hindurope #plant #myview #housegarden
Couldn't resist and #repotted my #HinduRope Plant in this #sloth #pot !! 🦥 I've been waiting for the #perfect #plant to put in here. Figured since it was slow growing and would eventually #hang and since it's a #hangingpot , it's perfect!! 🥰 Sloths are my favorite #animal, so it's fitting 😍 #hoya #plant #plants #myview #ocean #coastal #patiogarden #apartmentgarden #apartmentgardening #green #blue #white #tan #brown
It is perfect! It will look so cool when it hangs. 👌👏
Yes @savannahsssucculentgarden !! I'm going to buy a table plant hanger instead of hanging it from the overhang because the rope is too short and so am I 😂
I love this! What a perfect planter!
Omg its so cute!
Thanks @madnessbroken && @michele.culent !! I thought it was too!!