Mammillaria plumosa
Mid Winter 2020
Mid Winter 2020

My feather cactus is growing it's first flower !! 😍💚 It must like the new spot it's in. The weather here is significantly warmer than where I was before. It was 70°F (21°C) today, so my cacti and succulents love it.

Yay !! Twinsies !! Looks just like mine .😍😍. ( Wondering if you got my email) ?


Twinsies!! 💚🥰 @sherrisgarden I just saw your email replied. I explained why I didn't get it right away in the email

I was a little worried about you.. that's the only reason I said anything about it. I just replied. 😘. @sarahkbartley

Thanks for the concern and the reply. Sorry for the concern as well. There shouldn't be any more issues with me not seeing my emails anymore @sherrisgarden 🥰😘

You're welcome my dear. No apology needed. 😘

Love the featherly look on this one. I couldn't keep my one alive. 😓

It seems to like the greenhouse or the sunny, South facing, window @LisaCollection It started flowering once it was put in front of the window.

Mine was under shelter with morning sun.. it looks like there's no flesh left.. can't peak inside cause of the feather slol 😂

When it was in my greenhouse, it was facing west @LisaCollection It seems to like afternoon sun, as well. Not sure of your weather conditions where you are, but it gets really hot in the summertime, where I moved, so it would like partial shade here. Though, if you are in a cooler or coastal place, like I was before, it would probably enjoy afternoon sun, facing West or South. It's never too late to bring a plant back unless it's completely dead in my opinion 💚

@sarahkbartley, I want my wedding bouquet made of this baby.. Lol 😂
I repotted Woodstock (my Feather Cactus) the other day. Trouble the kitty seems to be in love with him and loves digging in his pot. At first I thought she was trying to get to Rex the Green Dragon's watch chain, who is behind Woodstock, but this is a love affair 😍 But I'm pulling a Romeo and Juliet and ending the love affair. I was inspired by @sherrisgarden advice of sprinkling cinnamon on the soil and used black pepper, instead. She hates the smell and the love affair seems to be over 💔
Yay !! Good news !! 😀😀😀