Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost'
Euphorbia lactea Grey Ghost
Late Autumn 2020
- 6
Early Spring 2020
- 0

Euphorbia lactea 'White Ghost'
Late Autumn 2020
Early Spring 2020
#help #sickplant or #frostbite ?? Just appeared (or just noticed I spend half my week elsewhere) and both brown spots are NOT squishy they’re firm and the other plant has no brown marks #suggestions #euphorbia-lactea #euphorbia-advice
If you don’t know what it is, I definitely don’t. 😂
Ooh that’s weird. Don’t know what it is though. 🧐
@philstalder I use Google photos to find other photos of the same kind of plants that have similar markings on them and my guess is that it got too cold and it could be a little bit of frostbite and that’s just how it looks on this plant in particular but I’m going to do a little bit more research and hopefully someone on this site will also have some tips or words of wisdom
@philstalder well I was either that or potentially a fungal infection and so let’s hope that it’s not that I’d rather have it be a little bit of frostbite
I don't know what it is, but mine had the EXACT same thing about 2 yrs ago. The spots didn't seem to get much larger or amount to anything, and it may or may not be a coincidence, but a little over a year later the entire plant withered and died. I had 3 large plants in the pot, and the one with the spots is the only one that died. Again, not sure if it was related. All the plants were getting really thirsty, so I stepped up the water a bit and the one with the spots just never perked up.