Cereus forbesii monstrose 'Ming Thing'
Cereus cactus 'Ming Thing'
Early Winter 2020
- 5
Late Spring 2019
- 3

Cereus forbesii monstrose 'Ming Thing'
Early Winter 2020
Late Spring 2019

This one is named Non Compos Mentis. I don't understand why someone put blue bubblegum all over him, but I had to take him home after that. I got off as much as I could without injuring him. He seems happy.

People are the worst! It looks like you and I have a lot of plants in common. I'm happy to meet you! 💚

You are so nice! I opened my phone at it said I had 50 notifications on here. I thought it had to be a mistake, but you spammed me with love. I'm glad to make a new plant friend too. 😄
Day 6: Easiest Plant. Pretty much all my cacti are tied for easiest. This is my Ming Thing. His name is Non Compos Mentis. #letsgrowin2020 #letsgrowtogether #easiestplant #mingthing #cereusforbesiimonstrose #noncomposmentis #cactus #cacti #mug #succulent
They really are super easy. U dont even notice when they grow the only reason I even noticed they did was because of the planter I put it in once held 2 succulents and now it takes over the whole thing alone
Adorable planter
1. Now I know the name of one of my plants and 2. I'm in love with that planter!!
@savannahssucculentgarden. Had to put this on my wish list. Love it!!