Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Pink Queen
Kalanchoe 'Pink Queen'
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Late Winter 2020
- 7
Mid Winter 2020
- 3
Late Autumn 2019
- 5
Late Autumn 2019
- 10
Late Summer 2019
- 1

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Pink Queen
Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

My first rebloom on this Flaming Katy! Not profuse, but I'm happy that it's blooming again at all. Chopping works! #kalanchoeblossfeldiana #flamingkaty #kalanchoe #succulent #onwednesdaysweplantpink #rebloom #pink

Oh so pretty!

Luv it 💕💕💕

Mine keep reblooming when I give them a "haircut" my white one is working on blooming again right now. 😁

Do these come in other colors? I have one but the bloom wasn't pink. I just got it though and the bloom was dead. I cut it off. Hope mine gets as pretty as yours! 😍

@camilio81 Oh yes! I've seen orange, red, yellow, white, pink, purple, almost all colors. @docthrill has a variety of colors in his collection if you look through his plants and garden. ❤🧡💛💜

There you go success. Yay ! All of mine but 1 are still blooming and producing more blooms.
Mid Winter 2020

Some of you may remember me giving my Flaming Katy a very aggressive chop a little while ago. I spotted new growth! She's going to rebloom! I'm so excited. #kalanchoeblossfeldiana #flamingkaty #kalanchoe #succulent #succulents #houseplant #flowerbuds

High five !! #happyplant #happyplantmom

That is exciting!! #newgrowth is always exciting!!
Late Autumn 2019

I ended up cutting her back pretty extensively. Hopefully it'll encourage new growth or at least let her use energy only on healthy leaves. I hope I didn't just kill her by trimming too much. 😟 #kalanchoe-blossfeldiana #flamingkaty #kalanchoe #pruning #deadheading #succulent #succulents

Do you have any luck reblooming them?

@Flicka I've only had this one for one season, so I don't know if it will rebloom yet. Hopefully again next summer. We'll see. 🤞

I love blossfeldianas!

@savannahssuclentgarden I love there tiny beautiful flowers
Late Autumn 2019

Question: How do I keep my flaming Katy healthy now that it's done blooming? I plan to deadhead it, but is there anything else I can do to help it? A lot of its leaves look very sad. Should I cut off the limp ones? #kalanchoe-advice #succulent-advice #advice #flamingkaty #kalanchoe-blossfeldiana

Do you know why the leaves r limp?

Large leaves are limp because it isnt getting enough nutrients. You can leave them on until they dry off or just pluck them off. The enlargened leaves are because nurseries pump them full of fertilizer so they grow larger faster. The large growth typically dies off because people don't really need to fertilize all that often. Note the new leaves are all smaller. And still very healthy.

@thesucculentwave Thank you for the explanation. That makes sense. 👍

@thesucculentwave do you know how to get them to bloom again?

@Flicka they bloom seasonally.

@thesucculentwave I’ve heard it was hard to get them to bloom an you had to take special measures?

@Flicka I couldn't really say. I have several but I tend to neglect them. They have repeatedly bloomed.

@thesucculentwave interesting 🤔 do u keep yours inside or outside?

@Flicka Outside. But does tolerate lower light better than most other succulents.
Late Summer 2019

I got another flaming katy a while back, and she's opening more blooms every day. Her name is Katy Scarlet. #kalanchoe-blossfeldiana #flamingkaty #floristkalanchoe #kalanchoe-pink-queen #succulent
Day 19: My Pride And Joy. I'm still enjoying this rebloom of my Flaming Katy! Kinda proud of myself for helping it happen, although she did most of the work. #aprilplantchallenge #prideandjoy #succulentsunday #flamingkaty #kalanchoeblossfeldiana #rebloom #pink #succulent
Glad she flowered again.