Of course the other one is also a Kalanchoe. I am very biased and Kalanchoes are the best succulents imho. Do you have a favorite succulent? #lavender-scallops #kalanchoe #kalanchoe-fedtschenkoi #succulent #succulents
Is this the 'mother of thousands' one or is that something else? Theres something I love about vines, so dragon fruit cactus is maybe my favorite - or are there other climbers?
@romansocks Mother of Thousands is a different Kalanchoe, but they do have a similar appearance. I have a very sad one whose leaves were bitten by mice, but she is still alive. If I post an update on her today, I'll tag you.😊 There are some peperomia and hoya that will climb, which are technically succulent.
Oh man so I guess this does not technically employ succulence, but I just saw this about Azorella Compacta/Yareta plant, some very octopus-garden-in-the-desert looking, no idea if anyone is cultivating them https://youtu.be/M-PdfK7V29U
@romansocks I love that plant! I've never seen it before, but it does resemble succulent rosettes up close. Side note: love how he says Oh-puncha and that is how I will be pronouncing Opuntia from now on.
Of course the other one is also a Kalanchoe. I am very biased and Kalanchoes are the best succulents imho. Do you have a favorite succulent? #lavender-scallops #kalanchoe #kalanchoe-fedtschenkoi #succulent #succulents
Is this the 'mother of thousands' one or is that something else? Theres something I love about vines, so dragon fruit cactus is maybe my favorite - or are there other climbers?
@romansocks Mother of Thousands is a different Kalanchoe, but they do have a similar appearance. I have a very sad one whose leaves were bitten by mice, but she is still alive. If I post an update on her today, I'll tag you.😊 There are some peperomia and hoya that will climb, which are technically succulent.
Oh man so I guess this does not technically employ succulence, but I just saw this about Azorella Compacta/Yareta plant, some very octopus-garden-in-the-desert looking, no idea if anyone is cultivating them https://youtu.be/M-PdfK7V29U
@romansocks I love that plant! I've never seen it before, but it does resemble succulent rosettes up close. Side note: love how he says Oh-puncha and that is how I will be pronouncing Opuntia from now on.