Maranta leuconeura 'Kerchoveana'
Prayer Plant
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 6
Early Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 6
Early Autumn 2019
- 1

Maranta leuconeura 'Kerchoveana'
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Please help me! One of my favorite plants has these dark spots with a tiny bit of yellow around them. It's almost exclusively on the tips, but as you can see one has it on its edge where it touches the rim of the pot. Is this about humidity level or is it a disease? Should I just cut off the tips or cut off the entire leaves? It's not on every leaf, but almost all of them. #help #plant-advice #advice #sickplant

Humidity, too much or not enough water, and using water with things like chlorine or fluoride all can cause this issue but the one on the bottom does look like maybe too much moisture where that leaf was resting, u can trim these😊👍

I would.say the same. Yellow.leaf at bottom too.much water or water with chemicals. Leaf with brown seems like not enough humidity

I have to water my plants with distilled water,whenever I use tap water I get leaves that turn yellow.

Mine has these same spots. If it’s too much humidity it may just be the area we live in. I try to use filtered water to water mine or use water that has been left out to sit for at least 24-48hrs first and that has seemed to help.

@tinaaune @heatherdirtyhands @mojosmomma @madnessbroken Thank all of you guys for your input! I use distilled water for this plant, so it shouldn't be chemicals. When I first got my new humidifier I really blasted it, and this plant had water drops sitting on the tips a lot. I think that must be it. I've dialed it back a lot so my plants aren't wet anymore. Live and learn. 😬😅
Early Winter 2020

Day 1: Variegated Plant. Catching up for the Let's Grow Together in 2020 challenge. #letsgrowin2020 #variegated #rabbit-tracks #marantaleuconeurakerchoveana #houseplant
Mid Autumn 2019

I love that no two leaves on this plant are the same. #prayer-plant #rabbit-tracks #maranta #houseplant #houseplants #variegated

That is what is beautiful about plants. How unique they are. How no two leaf or flower (if they have them) are alike from one other from the same plant or any another plant. You could say plants are like snowflakes 💖😍
Mid Autumn 2019

I think the prayer plant I recently adopted is starting to look stronger. All the leaves are "praying" now. When I first got it some of the leaves were too limp to move up. This is one of my favorite leaves. #prayer-plant #marantalecouneurakerchoveana #rabbit-tracks #variegated
Early Autumn 2019

This side of the plant looks sadder. The leaves are very limp. All I know is that the soil is currently wet. Any advice on how to perk it up or what might be the cause? #plant-advice #prayerplant-advice

(Edit, sorry, scrolled down and saw) I’d say it’ll be fine. In stores, plants rarely get the light they need. Limp I would say is likely from too little light, which I’d say kinda shows in that the markings look less defined on the sad side. Something else to note is that most stores don’t turn out the lights at night. Most plants can take that, but these cuties need a clear day and night time. They move and behave differently between the two. (cont. my long-windedness in next comment)

I had one of these when I first started gardening but I killed it. I think I gave it too bigger pot and not enough light maybe. The leaves move around ALOT I noticed! No advice unfortunately

They don’t need total darkness at night, but a big enough difference that the plant’s photoreceptors can tell the difference. Mine became a nocturnal prayer adherent due to my porch light, and would “sleep” in the day, so they’re not picky/sensitive, but do need a difference. Another thing to consider in stores is that they usually keep plants very crowded. Never a good thing, but usually it’s fine. But prayer plants move, and they need to move. (One more 🙈🤭)

Leaves are lifted to gain access to more light. That movement, if impeded by crowded neighbors, stresses the plant. It usually puts energy into moving the leaves twice a day. But if it can never get them up in the first place, it puts energy into it all day. (and night!) Think of it like a mechanical moving part. If you hold it still, the motor keeps trying to turn it, and eventually the motor will burn out. Watch the water thing, but in my experience they are not picky about wet or drought. 🐶

@heelerpup I think you're right about it being too crowded. It looks slightly better this morning with room to move and a dark night. I'm hoping it continues to improve. Thank you for your insight.
Early Autumn 2019

I got this kind of sad-looking prayer plant today. It looks much sadder from the other side, which I'm about to post also.
New leaf on my current favorite plant. Don't tell the others! #newleaf #newgrowth #marantalecouneurakerchoveana #rabbit-tracks #variegated #houseplant