Opuntia erinacea ursine
Late Autumn 2020
Early Summer 2019

This one is named SPIKY McSPIKEFACE. His spines feel like whiskers. You can't see it, but his pot says "pretty fly for a cacti". #cactus #snow-prickly-pear #opuntia

I love that you name them!

@fairlyoddblu Thank you! Do you ever name yours?

@savannahssucculentgarden I did the first two but my collection RAPIDLY got out of hand after that. 😂😂😂
Also gonna update Spikey McSpikerface. I even combed some dirt out of his beard for the picture. Spikey went through a lot this year. He was much taller before getting sun scorched on the porch in spring. Lost several pads, and kept some scars. Pretty fly for a cacti.😂 Uno dos tres quatro cinco cinco seis! #snow-prickly-pear #opuntia-erinacea-ursine #tallboi #spikeymcspikerface #update
I daresay under that innocent-looking fluff there are some seriously #wickedspines on that ca tus with the #greatname LOL
Looks the part beautiful plant👌😊
Hairy is lovely!
...all the girls say it's pretty fly for a cac-ti (uh huh, uh huh)
Pretty fly for a cacti is so funny. Should be on a pot