Peperomia polybotrya 'Raindrop'
Peperomia 'Rain Drop'
Early Autumn 2020
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Late Autumn 2019
- 6
Late Autumn 2019
- 4

Peperomia polybotrya 'Raindrop'
Early Autumn 2020
Late Autumn 2019

Talia got a new pot today! She was far too top heavy in her nursery pot, and she kept falling over. Side note: I think she may be beginning to flower? #peperomia-polybotrya #peperomia-raindrop #houseplant #repot

Very fitting pot and I can see the buds!! Also love the updated tag!! Very fitting as well!! 😍😍💚

@sarahkbartley Thank you! I just started making beaded tags today. Would you like Nym's tag to have beads or no? I have gold, pink, and green.

Nym's would be nice. He's special. He's a saguaro. If it's not too much to ask, it would be nice to have Cindy Lou Who's as well or instead. If not, no worries. Thank you again, for everything. I am so grateful. I will definitely send some cuttings 🥰💚

@sarahkbartley Is Nym the big saguaro you told me about that you might be getting? And really it's no trouble. I enjoy making them, and I have more than enough materials right now. ☺️👍

I've had Nym for over 5 years. He's about 15+ years old. He was about 10ish when I got him. I have another unnamed saguaro in an arrangement back home, that I've had for just as long, that you may be referencing to. That arrangement will be coming up here after Christmas along with a few other plants. More are coming up, slowly but surely. I'll email you with the colors.
Late Autumn 2019

This is Talia. She says hi. Look at her big leaf! I need to repot her because she keeps falling over in this lightweight, plastic pot. #peperomia-polybotrya #peperomia #peperomia-raindrop #houseplant #heartshaped

She is a beauty 😍👍

I can imagine Talia in a nice pot. You always pick out nice pots for your plants.

@RedFuchsia @sarahkbartley Thank you both! I try my best.
Plants & Books: This is one of my favorite planty books. Wish I had a Pilea peperomioides to pose with it, but this lookalike will do. #plantbook #book #houseplant #peperomiapolybotrya #raindroppeperomia
Gotta get that book. Need all the help I can get. Thanks for sharing 😊💕
Im suprised u don't have one. But actually neither do I. I have had a ton of them but they hate me. It's crazy. Big ones. Babies. Doesnt matter they die so fast when I get them. Makes me sad. Also my raindrop also did the same
@heatherdirtyhands My local nursery has them, but they don't look very healthy and they're still full price. 😕