Philodendron 'Pink Princess' syn. Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess'
Philodendron 'Pink Princess'
Mid Autumn 2020
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Mid Autumn 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Mid Summer 2020
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Philodendron 'Pink Princess' syn. Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess'
Mid Autumn 2020
Mid Autumn 2020

My PPP top cutting has grown roots! #ppp #philodendron-pinkprincess #philodendron #cuttings #propagation #waterpropagation #newgrowth #waterrooting #roots

Did u put my cuttings in water.

U can post my cuttings on here.

So lovely! 💚 this is a wishlist plant of mine 😍 I also owe you an email 🥰

@yogi2 I put them in water and made a post as you asked. Tagged you.

@saguaro Can't wait to hear from you! 💌👀
Mid Summer 2020

Here's a peek at the cutting's nodes and aerial roots. I just know she's gonna do so good! ☺️ #ppp #philodendron-pinkprincess #philodendron #cutting #nodes #aerial-roots

In your hands, it’ll be amazing!
Mid Summer 2020

The top of my ppp, which I chopped off. It gets its own page now because I'm confident that it will root and be a whole new plant for me. #ppp #philodendron-pinkprincess #philodendron #cutting #propagation #waterpropagation #prop-it-like-its-hot

It’s so rewarding to see results like this...I need to do this to grow new plants when I get my act together!

It’s so awesome to see new growth! I’m jelly of your ppp. 💖💚 I’ve been looking for one with no luck.
#onwednesdaysweplantpink #pinkprincessphilodendron #philodendron #ppp #cuttings #waxplantwednesday #hoya-retusa #grassleavedhoya #hoya #hoyamygosh #hoyalluiah #hoyaheads #hoyaholic #hoyallujah #hoyadoin #yourmothersahoya
Why the hoya tags on the philo? Lol
I guess it's not super clear, but the plant in the background is Hoya retusa. 😅 @heatherdirtyhands
Ohhhh now I see lol