Vriesea splendens
Late Autumn 2019
Mid Autumn 2019

Another trip to the grocery store, another random plant they had on display that I couldn't refuse. His name is Beric. So should I keep the middle full of water all the time or just fill it once a week? I've found conflicting care guides online. #bromeliad #vriesea #vriesea-splendens #flaming-sword #care-help
What do you do with the blooms when they are finished...I let mine dry then paint and put in vases

@vickiehuckaba This is my first one, so I don't know what I'll do with it yet. Maybe I'll try what you do. It sounds pretty cool. 😊
I spy a pup! #vriesea-splendens #vriesea #flaming-sword #pup #bromeliadpups
Congratulations 👏
@RedFuchsia Thank you! It was unexpected, but we're very excited. 😂