Matthiola Bicornis
Night-scented Stock (Unknown Variety)
Mid Summer 2020
- 0
Early Summer 2020
- 0
Early Summer 2020
- 0
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 0
Late Winter 2020
- 0

Matthiola Bicornis
Mid Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020
Mid Spring 2020

Great looking seedlings. My stocks are looking terrible. I can't get the watering right. Added drainage and I'm trying 2nd batch but not holding much hope for stock growing skills 😂

Lol @ublaszko it's my first year too lol. I find sand and kitty litter in the compost to be good soil drainage because it holds air for the roots too.. Non clumping tho.. (Succulents thrive with it too)

Haha! My cat uses corn or wood clumping litter. I added perlite but I think the problem is that when I see dry soil on top I want to water my seedlings but sometimes there's still moisture at the bottom of the pot. 😂 I'm also suspecting that the compost I bought it not exactly sterile and it has bits of wood in it which may carry fungus. It's my first year growing from seed on a proper scale so I'm still learning and making lots of mistakes 😅

That's the road of learning in gardening, mistakes happen and you can't have every seed survive but youll learn and reap the rewards 👌👍✌️
Mid Spring 2020

@Sephy Sean mine have gone quite leggy, I pinched the tops out but that hadn’t helped. I was thinking of putting them outside. What do you think, I can post a picture later. 🤔

I'm actually going to harden these off in the cold greenhouse soon, whatever you do just do it gradually so not to shock them.I'm a new grower too so I'm wondering the same things haha😂 👌✌️🧘♂️ @suerichards

Thank you @Sephy I will post a picture of mine and ask the question for us both 👍

@suerichards thankyou
Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020