Solanum lycopersicum 'Tumbling Tom'
Tomato 'Tumbling Tom'
Early Summer 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2017
- 2

Solanum lycopersicum 'Tumbling Tom'
Early Summer 2017
Late Spring 2017

Outside the back door, can't wait to pick tomatoes

Tomatoes outside the backdoor. They never make it to the kitchen! #tomatoes #snacks
I don't have any. 😮 I planted them from seed and they've been really slow. In the greenhouse now.
I bought mine as plants @lpousada I've tried from seed in the past, but without a greenhouse they're never ready in time for our short summers!
I didn't realise there was such a difference in weather between the Southeast and the North of the UK until I moved to this country. But then it's the same where I come from.
My garden is about one week ahead of my parents and they only live 30 minutes away! @lpousada Where did you originally live?
I'm from Portugal, which everyone imagines to be hot and dry, until they visit the north and then they start complaining about the cold and rain. 🤣🤣🤣Even in Lisbon it rains more than in London, though the winters are very mild in comparison and short.
Yes your dad has just got one going orange and the rest still green@dhakap