Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl' syn. Crocus biflorus 'Blue Pearl'
Crocus 'Blue Pearl'
Late Winter 2019
- 6

Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl' syn. Crocus biflorus 'Blue Pearl'
Late Winter 2019
I think I tagged this wrongly but not sure how to edit. Is actually #Crocuschrysanthusbluepearl
You can edit the name if you go to your plant list. Once you're there, scroll to the plant entry and then click on the pencil icon. It will bring up the option to change the encyclopedia link and from then you can search blue pearl.
Very beautiful! 🙂👍
Thanks @ublaszko that’s worked! 👍👍👏👏🙏🙏
You're welcome 😊👍👍