Albizia julibrissin 'Chocolate Fountain'
Silk Tree 'Chocolate Fountain'
Mid Summer 2021
- 13
Mid Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Early Summer 2019
- 16
Late Summer 2018
- 13
Mid Summer 2018
- 22
Mid Summer 2018
- 12
Mid Summer 2018
- 23
Early Summer 2018
- 17
Early Summer 2018
- 8
Early Summer 2018
- 46

Albizia julibrissin 'Chocolate Fountain'
Mid Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2020

#silktree #mimosa #sundayafternoonshadows #sundayafternoon this is the best my mimosa has looked in three years but still hasn't bloomed since the first year!🤷♀️

@hayleyaj 💘😍
Mid Summer 2019

#silktree #chocolatefountain it survived and got bigger but it's not going to bloom! Boohoo 🥺

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones I sure hope so!💘😍

@cyndi it is in a good sized container, so I'm hoping for next year!💘😍

@cyndi 🤣🤣🤣 that's true!🤣💘😍

Aww shame there’s no flowers Sparkly, but it’s such lovely foliage 💚

@rachelbrooks thanks peach!💘😍

Such beautiful trees 😍

@jeatacake thanks Jeff! I agree!💘😍
Early Summer 2019

#silktree #mimosa #chocolatefountain I am over the moon happy 🤹🤸💃 about my mimosa coming back after our killer February! And she looks good!!!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@cyndi doesn't she!? I'm so thrilled! Now if she would just bloom!😂💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! I'm so glad!!💘😍

@cyndi I sure hope so!💘😍

So pretty and such a yummy name 😊

@ladeebug thanks a bunch!🤗💘😍

Mmm love that name...😍🍫

Love it🤗

Good news! Looks fab!

@littlemorningglory it is a cool name isn't it!💘😍

@godfreye thanks Enid! Me too!💘😍
Late Summer 2018

#mimosa #silktree my treasured mimosa lost quite a few leaves, mostly at the top but I'm hoping for the best, it did get some new growth also so I guess it's ok😕🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍


@columbiariver that must be your favorite place the one Bob told Gary that if you were near you had to stop and buy😂😉 I think I am going to do something I'm just not sure yet exactly what 😁💘😍

@columbiariver well yeah!! Gotta do that!!😂😉💘😍

Shelley I grew a few mamosa’s from seed. They are beautiful but they make a mess in your yard. I didn’t know you had one or I would’ve sent u some pics. I had Frank cut one down. But hopefully it’ll make it I’m not sure about topping it off u might want to take that pic to a nursery I know you cut the branches to shape it to canopy which looks nice so u might b able to trim that top BUT I’m not sure. 😯🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin this has never been cut😁 it grows this way hence the name fountain, I did talk to the place where I bought it and was told it was adjusting 🤔 swipe and you can see from beginning to now!😉💘😍

That’s a different one then the ones here. I do love those blooms yours look alittle more red ours are a pink I gues maybe that’s a type of a dwarf tree?? Now that is nice cause these one that grow to be 15+ ft. just drop too many blooms and seed pods. I love urs. It’s going to really b pretty 👍🏻🤗😊😊

@terrimclaughlin Yes it is a dwarf, I was slightly dissapointed in the blooms I thought they were going to be a darker pink but the mimosa is just so dang cool it's fine!😂😁💘😍

It really is I fell in love with them down here cause they bloom constantly I bet yours will too maybe it’s one of those that just do better the second year!! I’ll b waiting to see it next year Shelley 🤗🤗😊💕

@terrimclaughlin thanks! I sure hope it does do better next year to! If not it was another expensive mistake!😂💘😍

Have u checked the dirt and roots maybe it needs a bigger pot?? Just guessing I don’t even know what u feed them. If u don’t see any new growth I’d take a chance and trim the top we topped off our front tree and it came back a lot better but I’d talk to ur go to guy who ever that is and try to save it 😊💕
Mid Summer 2018

#mimosaflower #upclose #silktree couldn't resist one more close up of my mimosa! Sorry not sorry!!😂

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wowser that's amazing

Wow that’s gorgeous 😍

Oooh I cant get enough of this so carry on posting 😍😍😍

Great pic. Like all the fibres in a fibre optic lamp 👌🏼

Sooooo pic worthy, just Fabulous! @ShelleySnyder 💕💟💕

@Keely thanks a bunch!💘😍

@suerichards Thank you! Isn't it tho!💘😍

@angiecrazycatlady thanks Angie! Will do!😁💘😍

@rachelbrooks thanks! Hey I had a fiber optic lamp once! I wonder what happened to it!?🤔😂💘😍

@cyndi thanks! I think so too!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#mimosaflower #upclose #silktree found two more opened blooms on my mimosa!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Wow, that’s spectacular Shelley 🎆🎆🎆

@pelly Thank you so much Jane! I'm kinda in love with this!😁💘😍

Little fireworks 💥😍

@hayleyaj oh I like that! Yes little fireworks!😁💘😍

Love it

So pretty 👌

Amazing I've just got to have one. Is your the Choclate one or the green one 😊

@Keely thanks!💘😍

@suerichards Thank you Sue!💘😍

@angiecrazycatlady thanks Angie! It's a chocolate fountain, swipe and see more!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#mimosa #silktree-flowers LOOK WHAT I FOUND!!👀 So excited!! When I was watering a few hours ago this was not there! Woohoo!! And there is several bud clusters!👏👏👏👏

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! The flower is about the size of a quarter, the buds are very small so it's a rather large flower for the bud🤔 I can't wait to see a cluster of flowers!💘😍

Wow! The picture is pretty cool too.💕

@kimguy thanks partner!💘😍

Ooh! Mine are still babies. So lovely 😍

@hayleyaj thanks! I thought this was gonna be a darker pink, but who cares!! I love it!💘😍

Love these, it'll look fab when covered in little pink fluff balls. 😍😍😍

Super beautiful! X

Very cool !! First time seeing this

Yay! Just love these. Amazing little blooms 💕

Morning Shelley @ShelleySnyder How Cool are those flowers I Love this tree such wonderful colours 😍😘
Early Summer 2018

#silktree #upclose does this look shriveled up and dead or what!?😲 This is what it does every night!🤔

@gjones yeah but don't your think it's strange looking!?😜💘😍

Less appealing to critters that roam at night?🤔🤣😂

@columbiariver this is a close up of the leaf of my new mimosa, this is what it does for the evening!😁💘😍

@SikoMa that would be me!😂😂😂 That would be good if that where true!😜💘😍


@cyndi you're right! Shhh!💘😍

@gjones Yes it does do that every night, so please keep the noise down so she can sleep !!😂😂💘😍


@klmkim thanks Kim!💘😍

Oh 😏🤔 no idea Shelley, sorry 😬😘

@ShelleySnyder this is a mimosa so they close at night to reduce water loss 😁
Early Summer 2018

#silktree this is where my baby is gonna be for the time being anyway! This was taken last night at about 8:00pm and if you look closely you can see how the leaves are curling under, this does that every night! Is that strange or what!? I'll post a close up next!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Flowers do it, so why not?😏

@columbiariver you tired? Going to bed!?🤔💘😍

@SikoMa that's true!😉💘😍

@columbiariver 😂😂😂 apparently I should go to bed!😂😂 I love the architecture too! Zzzzz😋💘😍

Very cool! I was worried when my popcorn cassia did that! I love that about some of these plants.... the more interesting and crazy they are, the more I'm drawn to them!

@KariSamuel I agree with you! The crazier the better!!😁💘😍
Early Summer 2018

#mimosa OOOOOHHHHWEEEE!!! Look what I got! I've been ogling this for months and when there was only one left😲 I had to put on my big girl pants and bring it home!! So now she's mine all mine and you can't have any!!😂😂

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Beautiful 💚

Beautiful Shelley 😍

Gorgeous addition to your garden Shelley @ShelleySnyder 😍😘

Nice! 👏👏👏

@Soph1e thanks Sophie!💘😍

@kez001uk thank you kerry!💘😍

@jadojado29 I think it is too Suzie!💘😍

@lovestogarden Thank you Janice!💘😍

@cyndi thanks! Yes it is a chocolate one! A fountain shape!💘😍

@gjones it's a chocolate mimosa Katy! It will get the coolest little spikey flower balls! Of course I'll post when it blooms!💘😍
#silktree #mimosa #chocolatefountain #darkfoliage #prettpinkflowers #growinglikeafountain this has gotten quite large in just a few years! But it sure doesn't flower very much for me, the foliage is outstanding though!! Swipe to see the difference from last year to now!
@gjones it really did put on the growth this year!💘😍
That has really grown this year. Looks awesome 👍😍😍😍
Wow! I’ve never seen one with the dark foliage. It’s lovely.
@hkyfvr thanks! It has grown!💘😍
@cheriej thank you! It actually is darker than it looks in the photo 💘😍
Very welcome 👍😍
It’s romping away 🌲🌲🌲
That has grown a lot - I want to get one - do you keep it in a pot?
Looks double the size 😮 gorgeous dark leaves 😋
@pelly it is romping!💘😍
@sharonhayden I do keep it in a pot, it's been in the same one since 2018💘😍