Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'
Angel's Trumpet 'Charles Grimaldi'
Mid Summer 2019
- 31
Mid Autumn 2018
- 25
Late Summer 2018
- 20
Mid Summer 2018
- 17
Late Winter 2018
- 18
Early Winter 2018
- 9
Late Autumn 2017
- 5
Late Autumn 2017
- 42
Late Autumn 2017
- 9
Late Autumn 2017
- 7
Late Autumn 2017
- 11
Mid Autumn 2017
- 13
Mid Autumn 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2017
- 14
Late Summer 2017
- 6
Mid Summer 2017
- 13
Mid Summer 2017
- 4

Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi'
Mid Summer 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #charlesgrimaldi puttin on its last show even though the leaves are falling off faster than you can count!😂

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Are the yellow leaves that you will lose next? I can't believe you get this much growth in one year! 💛

@cyndi Thank you!💘😍

@KariSamuel It will loose every leaf eventually and be bare in the garage, I think they get this big for me because I take really big fat pieces to root, I've learned thru the years that the small skinny stuff takes much more time to get big and bloom so I don't mess with the little stuff anymore, oh and also I leave it in the water way longer than most would! If you swipe you can see this last winter in the house rooting😁💘😍

@KariSamuel sorry! To actually answer your question ,yes the yellow leaves are getting ready to drop off!😂 Got sidetracked there!😂😂💘😍

Still hanging on though and looking lovely 💛💛

Always a great sight to see 💛💛💛

@pelly thanks so much!💘😍

@jeatacake nice of you to say Jeff!💘😍

Absolutely always welcome Shelley 😊💛

Lovely and your PVC pipe with the mesh attached has given me the fix to my critter problem. ❤️🤔
Late Summer 2018

#angelstrumpet #charlesgrimaldi he has showed up to the dance!! My other pityful looking brugs do have a lot of buds on them but it won't be until next month before they show up!

@hayleyaj 💘😍

Gorgeous 💛💛

@suerichards much appreciated Sue!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder mine looks like caca

@hannahchristine uhoh! I don't know what caca is😕🤔💘😍

@ShelleySnyder lol like shit haha😄😂😂ill post a pic

😂😂😂😂 new word for me!😂 All my other ones look like caca!😂😂💘😍

@cyndi thank you very much Cyn!💘😍

@gjones thanks and boy does he smell good!!💘😍


@haleyt901 Thank you Haley!💘😍
Mid Summer 2018

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet #charlesgrimaldi well this is the offspring of my original Charles and he's over 6 ft. Tall and blooming right on time! The others look awful but he looks ok!🤔

@hayleyaj 💘😍

@columbiariver sometimes they are stubborn, I've had some that didn't bloom for me the first year and I've had some that bloomed like crazy, so no guarantees 💘😍

@gjones I think he is!😁💘😍

Love it! 💛💛💛

@hayleyaj thank you!💘😍

Wow 😲💛💛

@juliesgarden it has gotten very large hasn't it!😉💘😍

Indeedy 😂

So Shelley I’m new these plants @treefrog sent me a couple little ones but those big leaves those are the brig. right and they bloom up closer to the top! Regular liquid fertilizer? Yours are huge how long have you had this one?😊💕

@terrimclaughlin I put a cutting in water last fall and then planted it up after it was very laden with roots, so this is the first year for this one, make sure you have lots of roots on it before you plant it, they are Hardy outside thru winter in zone 9 and higher, they are fertilizer hogs (if you want them to bloom heavy for you) I mix all purpose miracal gro with a super bloom type fertilizer and give it to them at least once a week! If you have any other questions just ask Terri I'll be

Glad to help you with anything!!💘😍
Late Winter 2018

#brugmansiacutting @cyndi @columbiariver here's my charles grimaldi start, how's yours diong?

@columbiariver the are hard to keep watered, no matter what kind of pot you use, they are water hogs!!😂 for me I always put them in a fairly small pot cuz they seem to be busy growing roots so once the pot is full of roots then the plant will grow, so I slowly up my pot size. Oooh I'm a queen!😁 thanks Laura!💘😍

@columbiariver oh yeah, did you notice I used the water bottle for size reference?😉💘😍

😂😂 yeah , but think of it this way, less repotting!😉💘😍

@cyndi ooooooheeee!! Got called queen twice!! It must be true ! 😂😂😂💘😍

@gjones thanks Katy! She's a growin!!💘😍

Wow that's just a cutting amazing 😍

@Keely thanks Keely! If you look at the water bottle to the left , you can see one stick and how tall it was, there's two in there. This will probably grow to about 5ft. Tall this year or possibly a bit more, they grow at an amazing rate!💘😍

Your a genius 👍👌

@Keely aww l thank you so!💘😍

@cyndi xoxo💘😍

👑👑👑👑👑👑All hail to the Brug Queen!!!
Early Winter 2018

#brugmansia #charlesgrimaldi #startspottedup I just put charles in a pot Wednesday , I swear I see another bud on him!😲 @Cyndi @Acetaker @columbiariver how's your bud doing laura?

@columbiariver buds will fall off, they fall off even outside in the summer, so that's not really unusual 💘😍

@cyndi 🤔 once it's in dirt it needs to have excellent drainage, if it's cuz of lack of light the leaves will fall off all the time. But I wouldn't worry to much, once it goes outside for summer they come around fairly quickly 💘😍

@cyndi your welcome! Don't stress over it! It's just a plant that can be replaced if need be! Xoxo 💘😍

@cyndi you still have one! Let me tell you one is gonna get huge so no worries!!💘😍

That's looking great & full of promise! 👍👍👍

@jeatacake thanks! That's it!! Full of promise!💘😍

@columbiariver thanks Laura!💘😍

WOWZERS!! LOOKING FAB!! Mine are all growing but not a bloom yet...BUT ROOTING FOR SPRING!! So I can get these planted out😍 I think I've lost or on the verge of loosing my Jasmine 😢 still 2green and holding there root for now,but lost the greenery last week. Hope u r doing well. Hanging in with the cold here. Catch u later😍
Late Autumn 2017

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet ok probably last pic, I don't think it's gonna last much longer, and it got darker, it's the dark yellow like it is outside!

@columbiariver crazy good!!🤣💘😍

@cyndi oh yes!! It's curling my toes it's so strong!💘😍

Such an amazingly wonderful bloom😘😘😘💛💛💛 @ShelleySnyder

@kimguy thanks Kim!💘😍
Late Autumn 2017

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet #plantstarts #update 9hrs. Later and it's opened!!😲 I was making dinner and suddenly my toes started curling and then I smelled it!! While the hubs was doing the dishes his socks kept rolling up and down!! He put it on a piece of wood so it wouldn't be laying on the counter! I swear you could watch this grow!!

I know I can't believe it myself!! @cyndi 😲😲💘😍

This is a cutting rooted in water and it grew a bud and bloomed!?!?!? @ShelleySnyder

@veepaisal yes siree!! Tap on the photo, then scroll through the progress of it💘😍

@ShelleySnyder 😲 ok what magic water do you use!?!?

@veepaisal I wish I had magic water!! Just soos Creek water district of Washington State! This has never happened before so I'm in awe!!!(also!) 💘😍

@alysha here he is in all his glory!!💛💛💘😍

Awesome! Proud moment for you I bet!

@PunkyKy I'm just awestruck is all!!🤣💘😍

I can imagine! 🌟🌟

Wow, amazing 😍😍

@pelly thanks Jane! It is amazing!!🤣💘😍
Late Autumn 2017

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet #plantrooting #update two days ago this was just peeking out! Now look at it!! I have to hang it off the edge of the counter!😲

@columbiariver I am so shocked that this hasn't fallen off yet!🤣💘😍

Holy 🎺 🎺 trumpet!! Beautiful! I can’t wait to see this open @ShelleySnyder

@alysha I hope I didn't jinx it!🤣🤣💘😍

You take anymore cuttings, I wouldn't mind trying one...? You definitely have the "touch" with them.

@lesliecole49 this spring I think I will have to cut some more off of Betty Marshall (white) and sunray (light yellow) and I'll send you some if you want either one or both those?!💘😍

Most certainly, ..until spring then.. :)

@lesliecole49 👍👍💘😍

@cyndi wait till you see 9hrs. Later!💘😍
Late Autumn 2017

#brugmansia #angelstrumpet #rooting #update @cyndi @columbiariver @Acetaker do you see it peeking out!!? 😲 I think it is gonna bloom!!!

@columbiariver yes!! I think so!!!😉💘😍

@cyndi it will make me think of summer!🤣💘😍

Wow! Shelley!! How Fab is that!! And your natures air freshner😘😍

@Acetaker I know!! I'm so amazed at this!! I thought the bud would probably fall off!🤣🤣💘😍

Yeah,but its happy where it's at 😍

@Acetaker apparently! The hubs is even amazed!😲💘😍
Late Autumn 2017

#angelstrumpet #starts #brugmansia #update the bloom is still there!😲 Lots more roots, one is close to ready for planting the other is getting some roots finally after a month! Tap on the pic to see progress! @columbiariver @cyndi @Acetaker

@cyndi can you see the shadow in the bud!? The flower is getting bigger! I'm curious to see if it does bloom!💘😍

Come on BLOOMS!🌸🌺🍀🍀🍀

@cyndi @kimguy woohoo!!💘😍

I can’t wait to seee👀👀👀👀😁🤗 @ShelleySnyder

@alysha me too!!👀😉💘😍

These things are absolutely amazing me! 😮👍

WOWZERS!! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIM BLOOM!!😮 Mine r doing Fab! I'll post a pic later 😉😊😁

@jeatacake me too!!😲💘😍

@Acetaker I'm waiting!😂💘😍

@columbiariver I didn't do it!!🤣🤣 Charles did it all by himself!!🤣🤣💘😍
Mid Autumn 2017

#angelstrumpet #starts #brugmansia @cyndi @Acetaker @columbiariver ok this has knocked my socks off!! I was going to post this to show the difference in the two how they are rooting and the hubs says did you see the bud!? NO! Till he pointed it out!!😲

Whoo hoo! #growbabygrow

@kimguy 👍👍👍💘😍

@cyndi I was amazed!💘😍


@columbiariver I have no idea why! The one with no protruding roots is going to root tho, they just haven't grown long yet!🤔💘😍

@Acetaker I only put it in water!!😂😂😂💘😍

So when you planting them 🤔😊

@gauravsh6 I'm not sure, not yet anyway gotta get more roots and one has to get some period😂 it'll probably not be for a couple of months or so💘😍

Wow! That's fab! 👍🏻

@hayleyaj I was amazed!💘😍

I now have some Angels trumpet seeds so I'm going to try them for next year as it's a stunning plant! 😍
Mid Autumn 2017

#brugmansia #rootsgrowing @Acetaker @cyndi @columbiariver I put my cuttings for Charles Grimaldi in water on October 31, look👀 at the roots starting already!!! I tell ya they are fast in water!!

VERRRUMMM! I just put mine in soil. Maybe mine won't take!! 😉😊😁👍

@Acetaker actually it takes longer to root, once I found that out I've been doing the water ever sense!💘😍

@columbiariver Yahoo!!👍👍👍💘😍

@columbiariver last spring I rooted 4 pieces in water and the grew to 6ft. Tall and we're loaded with blooms !!💘😍 ( The Jasmine that is)

Remember all those are zone 9 so you might consider putting them in pots so it's easier to put them in next fall.🤔👍💘😍

Well girl guess I'm in it for the Long haul since I already had them potted b4 I knew it would work better..OH Well,one less step to do before Spring. Now all I need to do is figure where I'd like to put all the great cuttings of trumpets and Jasmine u sent...Hmm! Think Think..hehe! I do see at least 2 new beds forming now lol!!😉😊
Late Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #charlesgrimaldi get up close and personal with Charles! Can you smell him?

Yes Madame!👃

Such an eye catcher! 😍😍

@KariSamuel 🤣👍👍👍

Gawjus 💛💛

I love their scent!

Wow wow wow

I'm just going to have to get some of these. You've convinced me

That's a stunner!

My sniffer is stopped up but I think I get a small whiff..😉😊 Do these seed?

@Acetaker it takes forever!! The easiest way is just to take cuttings, want some? I have 3 different ones!💘😍

REALLY❣️OH PLZ😁 I've always wanted them but hadn't had room til now😊 You Rock Girl❣️
Late Summer 2017

#angelstrumpet #brugmansia #charlesgrimaldi finally a little show this hot smokey evening!

Wow, cool

And the Cranes like them too 😊


Well put together, nice grouping!! Just cause u re-did ur bthrm and it came out gorgeous now you just can't stop🤣😂😅😘😘👍🏻really look nice

@terrimclaughlin 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Mid Summer 2017

#bestofjuly #brugmansia #yellowflower #charlesgrimaldi a better look at his flower!

Fabulous 💛

@columbiariver yep! It's a big un!! 💞

Yours are bigger them mine!!! 😂😂😂 @ShelleySnyder

@janelleabella naner naner naner!!!😛😛😛😂😂😂


@janelleabella I thought so!!😂😂😂

@janelleabella oh yeah I forgot to mention ( you probably can't tell) . One nail broke so they all must go!!! No more long nails till they grow out again!!😂😂😛

😹😹😹I did notice but didn't want to say anything @ShelleySnyder 🙊🙊🙊

I need some laughs today!! And the rest of the week! 4 days of infusions staring Tomorrow so o May be a little wacky !! @ShelleySnyder and gters 👾

@janelleabella I knew you'd see it!! Don't miss a thing do ya!!!😂😂😂👍 hope we can give you some laughs!!💘😍

Lol not always catch things lol 😻
Mid Summer 2017

#myview #brugmansia #charlesgrimaldi #bestofjuly I haven't posted Charles yet this summer, he's blooming a little sooner than usual, he's a darker yellow than sunray, I think his flowers are a bit bigger too.

Love it! Big, bold and beautiful 😍😍

@columbiariver no my potters bench is around the corner from the water garden-out of sight! It's a mess over there!

@columbiariver yeah! That's were the garbage cans are and all kinds of scary things!!😂😂😂
#brug #angelstrumpet #brugclub #charlesgrimaldi #yellow Charles is blooming a tad earlier than normal, I'm not complaining!!
@hayleyaj 💘😍
That's one amazing plant 💛💛💛💛💛💛
@pelly thanks so much Jane!💘😍
Wow 😮
@lovemygarden65 Thank you!💘😍
SPECTACULAR Shelly!! 😍💛😍
Oh wow magnificent 💛💛💛
@tinaaune Thank you so much Tina!💘😍
@Keely aww thanks Keely!💘😍
Absolutely stunning Shelley! How far down do you cut if back for winter? 😍
@hayleyaj Thank you down to about 3ft. Tall or halfway back!💘😍