Colocasia esculenta 'Mojito'
Early Autumn 2019
Late Spring 2017

#colocasia a real beauty!!


Is that a type of elephant ear?

@chimissy16 yes that is a common name for colocasia and alacasia. 🖒🙄

@ShellySnyder we were laughing with you!!!!!! Your always making people smile 😂🤣 you come up with some great comments and you have one the the best yards I've ever scene in all in fun and than you do something wonderful for your neighbor it doesn't get better than that........ good and silly more people should be like you and so many others I've met onGT but you and lovestogarden make my day many times over

@terrimclaughlin glad to hear that!! I think gardeners are some of the greatest people in the world!! I just hope my humor doesn't upset someone sometime I can be very PC LESS 😨😲

If your humor upsets someone than there the one who needs even MORE humor!! You have a joyful, silly, spirit don't let anything steal that joy💕💕 we need more people like you. Keep em laughing Shelly my husband just brought me two little baby Kia for my aquarium I think he's lost his mind!! I have no idea what to do with them. Don't they like temps. About 60????

@terrimclaughlin the only fish I know about are koi and gold fish, and both of those survive outside in our zone 8 ( I say it's more like 7) so those fish can take low water temps.

Ask @bigemrg terri, I think he's got fish. I've never heard of Kias. @terrimclaughlin

@terrimclaughlin - The only Kia I know is a make of South Korean motor car! So, I'm assuming you mean Koi? 😀

@bigemrg. Your funny about the Kia I liked that there's so many cool people on GT it takes you away from all the madness in our lives from time to time like I just came home and I'm sure you can relate .... the way people drive!!! OMG. So it's nice to come home to funny and good conversation yeah went back to pet store and they'll let me take the koi back
#upclose #elephantear #taro #speckled #verigation just look 👀 at the speckling!
@hayleyaj 💘😍
@cyndi Thank you!💘😍
Wow! Love that! 💚🖤💚
I literally have to get this one for 2020! It’s gorgeous x x
That's very unusual Shelley, the markings are beautiful 😍😍
@rachelbrooks thanks! It's a keeper!💘😍
@clipperty it really is gorgeous! You need this, it's calling your name!🤗💘😍
@pelly thanks I agree!💘😍
@gjones thanks!💘😍